Monthly Archives: October 2019

Why I want to be a teacher

I want to be part of the building blocks to shape children into the people they will become.

Throughout Primary School I had a variety of positive and negative experiences with my teachers. An example of this is, I was selected by my teacher to sing a solo in the Christmas play. I was ecstatic. I stood up in front of the whole of Primary 7 to rehearse and I was told to stop because I sounded like I was ‘singing at a funeral.’ This experience made my confidence deteriorate as I felt I had not only let down myself but my teacher that gave me this opportunity as well.

This style of teaching proved detrimental to my development and played a part in my low self-esteem when I was younger. I knew then I wanted to be in a profession to raise children’s self confidence and allow them to learn in a positive environment.

Through this experience – and many others that I’ve had over the years –  it inspired me to work in a job that allows me to build children’s confidence.