Personal audit & transferable skills

Activity 1

1. Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio.

Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed)

Skills and Abilities




 Take risks
 Organise and plan
Manage Time
 Make presentations
 Act as a leader
 Listen to others
 Debate formally and informally
 Take notes

Activity 2

Complete the audit below, using the information from the table above.

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills already developed How will I use these How do I know (evidence)**
 Manage Time  During my studies at university and when planning time to complete tasks throughout my different placements.  Throughout school and college I ensured that i kept up with my work as I was aware that I don’t produce my best work under-pressure. By having a part-time job throughout my school career, I learned how to balance and prioritise my learning.
 Listen to others  This attribute will allow me to communicate with others in a positive way whilst allowing me to develop my knowledge in different areas of my studies.  During a group discussion – and even when communicating in my day-to-day life – I allow others to contribute to the topic of discussion and take on board what is being said.
Self-confidence  This is a skill that I feel I am constantly working on, however, my confidence has grown immensely  over the past few years. I will be able to use this by contributing my ideas in class and pushing myself out of my comfort zone to develop my confidence further. Moving away last year was a big step for me, however, I was determined that I would blossom once I was given more independence. This experience, along with many others, has shown me that I can do anything as long as I believe in myself.
Organise and plan  I will use this attribute when prioritising the work I’ve been allocated. I will also plan my time to ensure that I have a good balance of work and time to myself.  I have shown this in my work and in my social life. The work I produce is on time and I am very rarely late to events and classes. This is because I am organised and feel it is important – for my own mental state – to be aware of what my plans are.
Take notes  I will use this skill to allow me to note down information I find important. I can then read this over on a later date to continue to gain more of an understanding about the topic  This is evident as I have used trial and error throughout school and college, different ways of note-taking. I have now found a technique that I find helps me the most when reading and revising my notes.

** This section should be completed as you identify when/where/how you have used/developed these skills.

Part B – Activity 1

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills not yet developed How will I develop these How do I know (evidence)**
Take risks  Taking risks is something I’ve always found intimidating. I’m afraid of failure or not showing the best version of myself. I will develop them by getting feedback and advice on my implementation of tasks. This will hopefully help grow my confidence in practice and in time, allow me to take more risks.
Make presentations  I feel with more practice this is a skill I could further develop. I have a fairly basic knowledge on how to make presentation but by doing this more often it will allow for me to better the skill.
 Act as a leader Acting as a leading can be intimidating. In group projects and discussions I tend to participate and share ideas well, however, I don’t always take the role of a leader. I could develop this by steadily building my confidence to take on this role.
Debate formally and informally  This is a skill I feel I need to develop as I’m not very experienced in debating. I have my own opinions and put them across in a discussion. By further explaining my reasoning and adding counter arguments, this may develop my ability to form a debate.