
At the age of 11 I was told that I had dyslexia. I had no idea what dyslexia was, i also had no idea what to do about it or what it meant for my future education. However my P7 teacher was able to convince me that it will not ruin my education. However I will find learning more difficult until I find my way of learning. This teacher not only informed me but also held meeting with my parents to make sure they knew exactly how to help me and also to understand what dyslexia is. This was the first teacher i had who went out their way to make me feel supported and encouraged me to do my best. Where in the past i had only experienced teachers’ who just thought that i wasn’t very bright.

This teacher is my inspiration of the type of teacher i want to be , i want to impact the children the way she impacted me. She finally gave me the confidence to learn. That is one of the reasons why i want to be a teacher.

One thought on “Inspired

  1. Thank you for sharing Mhairi. I’m glad you and your teacher found each other – it’s just a pity that your previous teachers failed to really see you. Knowing your pupils well is, I would argue, the most important thing effective teaching and successful learning.


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