online unit 1B

Recognition/ Reflection Action
What helps my learning? How can I utilise this?
Example: “Discussing the topic with others” ·         Set up a study group of like-minded peers·        Engage with the online community
 Keeping my stuff organised  Print off any notes and slides and organise them in to categorized folders
 Working with others  Organising ahead of time to meet with others and to do some work. For example, meeting in the library.
 Set times for learning  Planning my day ahead, setting reasonable times of the day to study and work.
 A target to work towards  Setting myself goals to get work/studying done
Recognition/Reflection Action
What hinders my learning?Example: “I am easily distracted” How can I address this factor?

·         Study in a place were distractions are minimal

·         Read lecture notes before the lecture and then take notes lectures to keep me focused

 I am easily persuaded to do other things  Turn all mobile devices off and make sure i cant access any social media sites during study.
 Prioritising my work  Concentrate on what i struggle with more than what i am good at
 I leave everything to the last minute  Set times to do the work, and not leave it untill the day before

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