The treasure chest is full of ideas about how children learn. The treasures are written on individual scrolls and put in a treasure box. Every child is given a treasure map and they have to plot the learning treasures depending on how much they are like them as a learner.
“I watch and learn is most like me as a learner. I do this when my friends do good stuff like dance and sing. I can learn, practice and then I can do it” said Maria.
“What is not like me as a learner is that I can manage distractions. I do my work but then someone makes a face and I laugh. This causes me to shake and I mess up my work. I could manage distractions better if I was allowed to move tables and work on my own. Then I wouldn’t have people talking to me” said Daniel.
‘I always plan my lego before I make anything, I have lots of techniques. I want to get better at managing distractions because I can talk a lot.’ Dean
‘I noticed in Iron Man how they changed his suit between Iron Man 1 and 2. I don’t give up. I had to do 40 sit ups and 40 squats and 40 push ups and I didn’t give up.’ Jada
‘I use my imagination for the game Roblox to design new outfits. If someone shows me how to tie my shoe laces then I can do it too. I watch and learn.’ Nicole