Manor Park P5/6 have been thinking about a healthy, happy and safe school where everyone was doing their best. Here is what they imagine:
- Pet rooms so we can learn about animals.
- Opportunity to learn about different people’s jobs so you know what you can be when you are older.
- No swearing as it is offensive and puts us off work.
- Respect as if you respect people they will respect you back.
- No fighting so that no one gets hurt.
- Healthy food for lunch so that everyone is fit.
- More library books. Everybody respects the books and don’t wreak them.
- Children don’t stay up late at night so they have slept and are ready to learn.
- Bikes for all classes to make everyone happy and exercise.
- The building is made of Lego so children can take pieces from the wall and build new structures with their teacher.
- Friends as they help you when you are stuck.
- Extra playtime as we love playing outside. Plus extra time to run about so we stay healthy.
- More opportunities to dance – it makes everything happy!