Children need people in their lives to help them learn. They need to be able to reflect on what they have learned and learn things that they like to do.
‘These people are important to me: my mum and my brothers, my teacher. Miss Lindi who is my basketball coach. My friends including Daniel, Matas, John, Caitlin L and Zoe. I’d like to learn different languages, art, parkour, backflips, to do a 360 on my bike and sing.’
‘I have learned to draw, dance and do maths. I like to dance, play, watch TV, do gymnastics, draw, sing, go on my phone and annoy my brothers. My mum, dad, brothers and grandma are important to me. I would like to learn how to speak, how to skate and how to do crabs.’
‘My mum, dad, John, Pat, two cousins, uncle, myself, auntie, teachers and PSAs are important to me. I have learned all the timetables. I like to play Xbox, got to the skatepark, go out with my friends, do art, break at school and to watch youtube. I would like to learn how to fly and how to do the spine at the skate park.’