Creating our own community

Children reimagine their community as a place that is safe, healthy and happy.




“The best things about our community are our family, friends and school. We like to live near school. We need to stop graffiti and rubbish. We would change the fact that people smoke. There’s heaps of dog mess, it’s the most common thing. We need more trees.”

Sophie, Lloyd, James and Dillon P6 Tullos Primary School

“Our Community Differences: There are exciting opportunities for children to play in parks and on the beach. There are good people and good views. We would change the smell and being close to the sewage. There’s a problem with dog poo. We don’t like violence. People shouldn’t disrespect the environment.”

Arkadi, Bethanay, Jodi and Lauren P5 Tullos Primary School

“In our community people are helpful and polite. They have nice houses. There are bins for rubbish and allotments and fresh air. There can be dog poo which is a problem. Adults shouldn’t smoke in front of children. At night it can be noisy and dogs bark.”

Billy, Niamh, LJ, Chukwuoma and Sophie P4/5 Tullos Primary School

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