Category Archives: Professional Studies

Reflection on Semester 1

I have started to write this blog for Derek’s TDT several times, but have found it harder to reflect on my progress each time. But this was until my pre-visit day put everything into perspective.

I have found it easy over the duration of the first semester to reflect on my Working Together team’s progress, the impact of the suffragettes on woman’s rights and the effects of discrimination to this day- yet, commenting on my strengths and weaknesses as a trainee teacher, seemed much too difficult. However, when I visited school and began to put everything into practise that we have learned– the reflection came easy then; it was a constant thought from when I left the school, until my eyes burned from being on computer too long, completing my pre-visit tasks.

Therefore, one difficulty of semester one that I am to overcome is self-reflection, itself.

Trying to identify your strengths and weaknesses is something that a lot of people struggle with but I thought at university it would come effortlessly. But for me, admitting I wasn’t great at something or acknowledging that I didn’t understand a concept, it’s very difficult.

Perfectionist 101.

Throughout the first semester I was very much focused on doing all the reading that I could, perfecting my referencing and making connections with my peers and tutors. The thing that I clearly avoided was thinking about  the progress I’ve made- the growth. Just like we have been taught recently in regards to ensuring the children’s understanding, I have been so focused on the product at the end of the learning (results), I have not really focused on the process of achieving that goal.  It wasn’t until I was standing in my primary 7 classroom, discussing Maths with a pupil, seeing everything in action, that I realised how much I had learned over these past few months and it was evident of what I had done well and not so well.

It is now that I can appreciate the relationships I’ve made, the knowledge I’ve obtained- but most importantly- I acknowledge the experience.

Lesson Planning- A Work in Progress

For our health and well being workshops, we were instructed to create three lessons based on one of the Experiences and Outcome’s for that area of the curriculum. When I left that workshop I had already started to think of some activities that I could do– which I know now is the wrong way to start planning a lesson. This week, there has been great emphasises on the attention we need to put on the learning itself, rather than what makes a fun activity.

I decided to try and make a series of lessons that all build on from each other to start looking at the way lessons flow and all interlink in some way. I selected two of E and O’s as I thought they would work together well, they were:

  • I understand that people at different life stages have differing nutritional needs and that some people may eat or avoid certain foods.
  • By applying my knowledge and understanding of current healthy eating advice I can contribute to a healthy eating plan.

After I began to think about the outcomes, I started to have more ideas about what I wanted the lessons to entail and I decided to create my lesson plans for primary 6. I wanted to use a lot of resources, discussions and to include an art activity, to  make the lessons as engaging as possible. Moreover, it would allow me to incorporate other areas of the curriculum such as ICT and Literacy.

I have decided to attach my lessons plans to the blog, instead of just describing them in order to record my learning. I am not very confident in my ability to create a lesson plan to an appropriate level, but I think it will be a great resource to look back on after placement, to really see my progress.


Healthy Eating Starter Lesson Example (HWB)

Food Pyramids example (HWB)

Diabetes exaample (HWB)

On reflection, I have tried not to alter my lessons plans once I had initially uploaded them as I do want to consider the progression and the development of each of the three attempts, but also compared to the plans I will complete before, during and after my first placements. Already I can see key areas that I will start to build on through readings and practical;

  • I did not factor in transition times between activities and disruptions that may occur
  • Differentiation
  • Initially, I started off developing the activities and assessments before actually stating what the Success Criteria was going to be

These issues revealed that some sections of my lessons lacked relevance and it was not very adaptable to the constantly changing conditions of the classroom or to the pupils themselves. Despite these areas that are in need of much improvement, this activity has made me feel that itty bitty bit more prepared for my first placement and I know I still have a lot more to learn in the next few weeks, that will inevitably enhance my practice and build on my confidence with planning.