Coping with Exam Stress

Preparing and taking exams can be really stressful, so it is important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. This page will provide you with some tips and videos to alleviate any stress.


First of all- SLEEP! A good sleep will improve thinking and concentration while also reducing anxiety occurring throughout the day. Most teenagers need between 8 and 10 hours’ sleep a night!

Secondly, make sure you have a healthy diet and are not eating sugary foods or drinks. This can push your mind into over-thinking and therefore increasing stress levels.

Plan out your studying for each subject by using a timetable. There are examples of timetables to edit and use on the main page under Organisation. Make sure you are allowing time in-between studying to relax or get outside and do something active.

Practice mindfulness -slow breathing exercises, colouring in books or reading for pleasure can calm down any exam-related stress. Yoga and Pilates are also mindful exercise to try!

Get active! We can’t stress (catch the pun?!) enough the importance of exercising. Whether its a walk though the park, an intense cardio class or a team game like football, exercise will increase endorphins making you happy and less stressed!!


Talk! It’s important to talk to your friends, family, teachers, coaches…anyone about how to best manage and cope with exam stress.  You’ll realise everyone is here to help and has experienced similar stress. We can then provide advice and methods on how to handle and reduce this stress.

Set Goals & Rewards- set yourself mini goals to achieve while preparing for an exam. Then, reward yourself! You deserve it!




This video helps parents/carers understand the stress that their children may face related to exam pressure. It also provides real interviews and tips to support each other.


Watch this short video to understand what stress does to your body & ways you can combat it:



The NHS also have great advice on how to recognise anxiety and help support young people when struggling with school-related stress. Click here: