

In many subjects, you need to tap into your memory to recall key facts, definitions and concepts for your exams.  Memorising this information can be successful in a variety of studying methods.

**Memorising information needs to be done repetitively and consistently. You could read your notes over and over or write out key pieces of information 3 (or more) times. This will help your brain retain the information. The more you go over and revise, the greater chance you have of memorising!!


The most common strategy to memorise information is by creating Flashcards (index cards).  Flashcards are great because you can use them anywhere! Think about the subject you are revising for, what do you need to know off by heart?

If it is a Biology course, you may need to know the definition of Photosynthesis. On the blank side of the index card, write the term (Photosynthesis) and on the lined side write out the definition.

In English, you will need to know key quotations from your class literature- in preparation for your timed critical essay. Let’s say you’ve been reading the novel Fahrenheit 451 (if you haven’t- you should, it’s on fire!), you could make flashcards on each character write their name on the blank side and then references to characterisation on the other. You could also make index cards on with a theme on the blank side and key quotes from the story related to that theme on the other side. For memorising poetic techniques write the technique on the blank side and the definition and an example on the back. The options are endless!!


Flash cards : colour codes

What to take your note cards to the next level? If you’re a visual learner, colour coding your flash cards can help separate topics/sub-topics.  Using different coloured pens to break up your notes into sections creates visual stimulation which is a great memory trigger.

In History, let’s say you’re revising WWI. You may colour-code your flash cards by key dates, key leaders, key events.

In English, you might be studying 6 poems for your Scottish Set Text- each flash card could be a different colour for each poem.

In French, you could organise your colour note cards by vocabulary (blue for French food, green for places etc.) or even by parts of speech (one colour for verbs, another for adjectives etc.)