‘Dams to Darnley’ Education Pack

d2dlogo_big[1]The Dams to Darnley education resource offers an interesting range of outdoor learning activities for all practitioners. Each activity is linked to science experiences and outcomes from early to fourth level. Whilst the resource was produced by the countryside ranger service in East Renfrewshire, it promotes a number of engaging approaches which can be replicated within school grounds or country parks across Scotland.

Countryside rangers can lead activities, however, there are also self-led activites to allow teachers to take ownership within their own settings. The pack also contains helpful appendices with guidance on taking learning outdoors, templates for risk assessments and useful contacts and links.

Second Assessment in the Sciences Glow Meet

Following the publication of its 3-18 Curriculum Impact Report for Sciences in September 2012, Education Scotland organised a series of conversation days where priorities for action to secure improvements in science education nationally were identified.

Key aspects for development emerged, which included primary and early years practitioners requiring guidance and exemplifications for assessment in the sciences.

To address this aspect the sciences team hosted a Glow Meet, Assessment in the Sciences, which was complimented by a series of professional learning twilight sessions across Scotland.

Practitioners have asked that the Meet be run again, therefore join us on Tuesday 10th March 3.35-4.45 pm in Glow TV.

Participants should be familiar with the Assessing Progress and Achievement Overarching Paper.

We will also be using a highlighted Assessing Progress and Achievement in the Sciences curriculum paper, Sciences Progression Framework and an Annotated Exemplification which can be downloaded through the blog link upon registration for the Glow Meet.

To register https://meet.glowscotland.org.uk/assessscience2/event/event_info.html



Assessment in the Sciences Glow Meet

Small - Sciences AssessmentFollowing the publication of its 3-18 Curriculum Impact Report for Sciences in September 2012, Education Scotland organised a series of conversation days where priorities for action to secure improvements in science education nationally were identified.

Key aspects for development emerged, which included primary and early years practitioners requiring guidance and exemplifications for assessment in the sciences.

To address this aspect the sciences team hosted a Glow Meet, Assessment in the Sciences, which was complimented by a series of professional learning twilight sessions across Scotland.
Practitioners have asked that the Meet be run again therefore join us on Tuesday 10th March 3.35-4.45 pm in Glow TV. – Register to take part live in Glow TV.

The Education Scotland assessment support documentation will be explored using exemplifications from the NAR and addressing particular science Significant Aspects of Learning.

Participants should be familiar with the Assessing Progress and Achievement Overarching Paper

We will also be using Annotated Exemplars therefore please download these documents prior to the session:

Highlighted Annotated exemplar

Highlighted Professional learning paper Assessing progress and achievement in the Sciences

Highlighted Sciences Progression Framework

1 + 2 Languages Strategy

Small Image 1+2This second Glow TV event in the series hosted by the modern languages team at Education Scotland will focus on developing listening and talking in young learners in a 1+2 context.

There will also be information on the latest developments and support available from Education Scotland.

This session is aimed at development officers and practitioners and will take place on Wednesday 25th February at 4pm. – Register now in Glow TV to join in on the day.

UNICEF UK – Find out More!

Small - UNICEFJoin Frances and Katie from Unicef UK to find out more about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Outright.

Frances Bestley and Katie Cox from Unicef UK will be talking about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and how in a rights respecting school children’s rights are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted. They will also look at some of the other activities that rights-respecting schools get involved with like Outright, speaking out about children’s rights and Day for Change raising money to support Unicef to help children realise their rights across the world. You will also have the opportunity to watch the response by Fiona McLeod MSP to the many letters that were send in during the Outright initiative.

Join us live in Glow TV on Wednesday 25th February at 11am. – Register for UNICEF UK – Find out More!