Food and Science ‘Teach Meet’ Free Professional Learning @ Dundee Science Centre

When? 4th September 2013, 16:30 – 18:30

Where? Dundee Science Centre

Recommended for: Practitioners with responsibilities for Food and Health, sciences, and Health and Wellbeing, and planning for learning for early years to senior phase.

Sign up by contacting Michael Smith on or 01382 868609

Food and drink offers an engaging context for learning within Curriculum for Excellence, providing opportunities for

interdisciplinary learning, and for rich and meaningful partnerships between schools, the food and drink industry and other organisations.

4.30-5.15: Registration, light refreshments, networking and tours of the Cooking Bus

5.15 – 6.00: Micro presentations from:

Education Scotland – Food for Thought – Food Education: an overview

Scottish Food and Drink Federation – How to link real life industrial applications to food education in schools

University of Abertay – What help can higher education provide and what are the next stages of study

Food Industry, Agrico– Why we get involved and how we can help support schools

Food and Drink Ambassadors – What we can offer schools

Eco-Schools Scotland – Food and the Environment’ topic; resources and case studies for interdisciplinary learning and teaching

Dundee Science Centre – Bringing food and science to life in Curriculum for Excellence

Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) – sharing exciting activities on food chemistry

6.00 – 6.30: Food and Science marketplace, meet experts who can help with practical ideas and ways of using food as a context across learning.  Discover the resources available from a range of        organisations to support your planning for learning and teaching in the context of food and drink.  Hear a selection of micro-presentations, explore exhibitor stands, take away free resources, network with  colleagues and take the chance to visit the Cooking Bus

Delivered by Education Scotland, Scottish Food and Drink Federation, Dundee Science Centre and partners.

SSERC – CPD Opportunities for Secondary Practitioners

The new term is about to begin and SSERC are once again offering a range of practical hands-on CPD courses for Secondary practitioners.  

Places remain on the 2-part residential courses for Biology, Chemistry and Physics, which support CfE up to National 4 and 5.

Places are also available on the Leading for Excellence in Science course which is supported by the National Science Learning Centre.  Delegates from Local Authority schools will be granted an ENTHUSE Award, which covers the cost of the course.

 Download flyers below:

 Biology Residential – Innovative and Practical Workshops

Chemistry Residential – Ceramics, Metals and Products from Plants (1)

Physics Residential-Innovative and Practical Workshops

Leading for Excellence in Science

Please visit our website for our complete listing of CPD opportunities.

SSERC is a Local Authority shared-service providing support across all thirty-two Scottish Education Authorities. Our services are available to elected members and officers of Local Authorities, teachers, student teachers and technicians. In addition, the majority of FE colleges and independent schools within Scotland are members of our organisation.