Cut it Out Road Safety Project

The “Cut It Out” programme is two school periods long, (one hour and fifty minutes in total), and covers the main contributory factors in Road Traffic Collisions such as speeding, drink/drug driving and seatbelt use. It aims to raise awareness and challenge attitudes in young people with regards to the dangers associated with our roads.

The programme has been designed in conjunction with education, road safety departments, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), Strathclyde Police, West of Scotland Road Safety Forum, NHS and Scottish Ambulance Service and in such a way as to be delivered by specially trained fire service personnel in partnership with other emergency services. It is a curricular based, interactive, multi-media programme designed for S5 and S6 pupils.

The programme, which relies heavily upon the interaction between students and facilitators, requires students to ultimately take on different roles and ‘investigate’ the cause and problems associated with a Road Traffic Collision. They are also asked to look at how the incident could have been avoided and to report their findings back to their peers.

If you want to know more about “Cut It Out” or want to book the programme then please contact your local Strathclyde Fire & Rescue Area Headquarters or Service Headquarters for details.

Would You Credit It Workshops

The SCQF Partnership are running a series of “Would You Credit It?” workshops throughout 2012/13.

These FREE interactive workshops will introduce participants in some detail to the SCQF and the criteria which will determine whether a learning programme is suitable for Credit Rating. It is designed to support individuals and organisations who are developing, or who already have, a learning programme which they are considering having Credit Rated for the SCQF.

The workshop will provide key information about the SCQF, how it can be used, and how Credit Rating processes are carried out. It will consider the development of programmes which are suitable for Credit Rating.

After completing the workshop, participants will have a sound knowledge of the SCQF and will be able to make an informed decision about whether a learning programme is suitable for Credit Rating and the next steps they need to take. No detailed knowledge of the SCQF is required to take part in this workshop.

The workshops will be held on:

  • 18 April – Glasgow
  • 22 May – Glasgow
  • 11 June – Edinburgh

The booking form is available here.

Contact: SCQF, Tel: 0141 225 2922 [ e-mail | website ]