Category Archives: 3.3 Pupil Assessment


We recently had a dance workshop. Something I was quite excited about as I enjoy dancing, although I’m no expert! As a child I took some dance classes and performed in a show. But now I only dance for fun. I really enjoyed the dance workshop. We mostly looked at different types of movement and levels of dance. So this is what inspired me to create a dance lesson for primary five.

 CfE outcome:
Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express my ideas, thoughts and feelings through creative work in dance.
EXA 0-09a / EXA 1-09a / EXA 2-09a
learning intentions:
By the end of the lesson I will have in a small group come up with a dance based on an emotion using different movement and expression.

Success criteria:
To be able to come up with a short dance sequence using: music, different types of movement, rhythm and levels while focusing on the theme.

Assessment opportunities:
To assess if the children have achieved the success criteria I will watch their performance and use peer evaluation.

Learning activities:
To start off with I will include a few different warm up games for the children. This will also take away their nerves. I will then include actives that show different types movement and how to travel across the room. I will explain to the children that they need to use all these different form of movement to make up a performance that only last a couple of minutes. Then at the end of the lesson we will all watch the performances. At the end of each performance I will ask the children what the liked about each performance and something that could be improved on.

I would like to keep dancing fun and enjoyable for the children. Dancing can improve your confidence and improve your knowledge about dance and your own body. I look back at dance with a positive attitude and that is something I want to impart onto the children.