Category: waiting

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Upcoming RTC Webinars

RTC Upcoming Webinars banner

Below are a list of upcoming webinars. Click the links for more info or to sign up.

Falkirk RTC advert March 7th, 16:00 Falkirk RTC – Classroom Collaboration with Padlet -  Register Here Join Falkirk RTC for an Exploring Learner Engagement Series of webinars. The first session will explore real time collaboration with Padlet, through a hands…
Falkirk RTC curipod advert March 13th, 16:00 Falkirk RTC – Easy Interactive Lessons with Curipod -  Register Here Join Falkirk RTC for an Exploring Learner Engagement Series of webinars. In this session, attendees will discover how simple it is to make interactive…
Falkirk RTC quizziz advert March 20th, 16:00 Falkirk RTC – Mastery through Quizzing with Quizizz -  Register Here Join Falkirk RTC for an Exploring Learner Engagement Series of webinars. This hands on session will explore how gamification can enhance retrieval practice or…

Man holding iPad

App PowerUps

App PowerUps Banner Image

Getting an iPad can be a scary experience. Even worse when you are asked to use it in your teaching practice. App PowerUps aim to give you and your pupils the essential digital skills you need to know when working with your iPad.
Knowing how to use your iPad is only part of the conversation. Knowing where to use your iPad – especially in class – is just as important. App PowerUps will also give you some ideas on ways to get started with iPadOS features and apps. All of these are integrated into your iPad and can be used – Out of the Box.

02 March 09:30, Tech She Can live assembly ***NEW DATE***

***NEW DATE***

Join Poppy from Tech She Can for this exciting assembly and explore the world of cyber in this LIVE Tech for Safety and Security assembly. This is aimed at Second level learners but could still be enjoyed by younger and older learners with teacher support. There will be an open-ended and adaptable challenge activity at the end of the session.

Find out more about Tech Che Can with this link: TechSheCan website


Sign up using this EventBrite link: go to EventBrite

16 March 16:00, Cyber Toolkit webinar

The Cyber Toolkit is designed to help teachers find the most appropriate and useful advice, information and resources to support learners.


When we use the internet we either consume, create or communicate. Each of these behaviours has different levels and types of risk. This toolkit will help you to diagnose, understand and then support learners with their digital needs.

Before you start with the toolkit, find out what your learners are using and doing online; and the issues or risks this presents. With this information you can use the toolkit to locate information, resources and professional learning to support you in planning meaningful CRIS learning.

Click this button to go to the Cyber Toolkit

Sign up for the webinar using this EvenBrite link – Sign up here

this is digital term4 clpl

21 March 16:00, This is Digital Learning and Teaching professional learning programme

As educators it is our responsibility to make effective use of digital technology to deliver high quality teaching, engaging learning and effective assessment.

This four-part professional learning programme is designed to enhance educators’ knowledge and skills in order to develop their planning, teaching and learning, and assessment and feedback with digital technology.


The four sessions cover:

Find out more about the programme with this link.

Sign up for this programme has ended.

Computing Science: Skill Building CLPL for CfE Level 3

Join us for one or more computing science skill building sessions every Tuesday at 4pm for 6 weeks from 10th January.

This first set of sessions are designed to support teachers build their own knowledge and confidence in aspects of Computing Science at 3rd Level (CfE) including:

  • Coding with Scratch to create animations, simulations and games
  • Web Development with HTML and CSS

Each workshop will last 1 hour and include template resources and activities.

These workshops will suit those who are / would like to offer Computing Science experiences at 3rd Level of the BGE and would like support in developing their understanding of these topics.  Sign up to all or some of the sessions using the button at the end of this post.


Tuesday 10th January

  • Animating with Scratch – learn how Scratch can be used to bring a story/topic to life using code

Tuesday 17th January

  • Creating interactions with Scratch – learn how to code simple programs that interact with the user (eg quizzes)

Tuesday 24th January

  • Creating Games with Scratch – create simple games with Scratch, building on skills and knowledge from the two previous sessions.

Tuesday 31st January

  • Build a simple web page that includes text, media and links with HTML and CSS

Tuesday 7th February

  • Learn to style web pages using cascading style sheets

Tuesday 14th February

  • Create multi page websites, building on skills and knowledge from the two previous sessions.


Sign Up To Sessions


The CPD Award in Computing Studies for Teachers (2023) at The University of the Highlands and Islands

The CPD award in Computing Studies for teachers was created for primary teachers and secondary teachers for 1st and 2nd year pupils to give the confidence and skills to teach computing to pupils. More than 50% of our current cohort are primary school teachers. The course is open to any teacher with the relevant entry qualifications (degree and existing teaching qualification) who have an interest in computing or cyber security.

There is normally a weekly lecture and support session that lasts for approx. an hour, or more if required, with further e mail support available. The sessions are certainly beneficial as they allow you to ask questions there and then.

However, the course is designed to be taught when is convenient for all the students and all lectures and tutorial session are recorded for viewing at your leisure.

There is only one module delivered each semester with no time off required during the school day. The lectures are recorded for students unable to attend in person. All activity is carried out online the majority of which happens asynchronously. The modules have a notional 200 hours per module over the semester. It would depend on your previous experience on whether you needed all that time. If you were able to set aside a day at the weekend or a couple of evenings for study, you would not be far off what is required for achieving the award.

The course will be starting either week beginning 23rd January 2023 or 4th September 2023 dependant on applications, with the next module being the Database and Computer Systems module which will be delivered over 14 weeks.

You can apply to join the course with this link or searching for the Computing Studies for Teachers CPD award at under courses.

The price is £215 per module, and this can be paid on a module-by-module basis. As the modules are 20 credits each if you were to do two in an academic year you may be eligible for SAAS funding. It is suggested contacting SAAS directly if you are planning to start next semester and confirm whether you would be eligible for funding.

The course does not carry any GTCS accreditation.

The programme leader, Gordon Macpherson, can be contacted on email with this link:



Digital Xtra Fund

The goal of Digital Xtra Fund is for every young person in Scotland to have access to innovative and digitally creative activities regardless of their gender, background, or where they live. Through supported initiatives, the Fund aims to inspire young people to understand and create with technology, not simply use it. Schools and educational organisations positively engaging young people in tech can apply for up to £5,000 to support an extracurricular activity which focusses on digital tech, especially initiatives that also provide opportunities for young people to informally engage with industry and learn more about how digital skills and tech are relevant in the ‘real-world’.

Find out more about Digital Xtra Fund with this link:

Since its inception in 2016, Digital Xtra Fund has awarded £875,000 in grants to 137 exciting and meaningful extracurricular computing and digital technologies initiatives across Scotland. This funding has helped grant recipients engage nearly 45,000 young people in tech. For the current academic year, Digital Xtra Fund has recently awarded 35 grants to schools and educational organisations which are projected to engage another 7,500 young people (including 3,800 girls and young women) and show them the breadth of opportunities these skills can provide.
View the 20/21 impact report with this link:

Applications for next round of grant awards (Round VIII) will open in January 2023 for activities delivered during the 2023/24 academic year. However, now is the perfect time to think about what you would do with the funding and who you could work with to better engage more young people!

Find out more about the latest recipients and their projects using this link: Digital Xtra Fund awards 35 grants to drive digital skills.

Please follow Digital Xtra Fund on TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn for future updates.

05 December 16:00, The Future of Digital in Scottish Education with Maureen McKenna, former Executive Director of Education, Glasgow City Council

Education Scotland are hosting 3 highlight sessions focusing on ‘The Future of Digital in Scottish Education’.  Each of these sessions will include an input from a key figure in Scottish Education followed by a short question and answer session.

Sign up for THIS SESSION with Maureen McKenna using this link to Evenbrite

If you would like to ask a question at any of these sessions, please complete the registration form using this link Registration Form

(If you have any issues using the form, please contact