-Computing Science Scotland 2023 Many thanks to the learners, educators and presenters that made #CSScotland23 a success! Between 6th-10th November 2023, 9658 learners from 384 schools from 29 local authorities took part in our live… …
-Recap Huge thanks to Data Education in Schools for running this session! Agents K (Kate Farrell) and J (Jasmeen Kanwall) guided recruits through a series of taxing problems during this escape room event. Brief: You… …
-Recap on session and resources During this session, Brian explored machine learning using the website machinelearningforkids.co.uk. Learners were guided through one activity where learners trained a machine learning model to recognise different ways someone might… …
-Recap Lorna Gibson from the Micro:Bit Education Foundation guided learners through a coding activity to turn you micro:bit into a (virtual!) hot potato! This particular activity looks at using loops and variables to create a… …
-Callum Croughan, Mary Frances Stewart, Zoe Shanks and Alistair Mackay – Digital School Digital Pedagogy Practitioners guided learners through building a maze game using Makecode Arcade Learners explored aspects of computing science such as variables,… …
-This live lesson saw Craig and Daniel from Cyber Skills Live guide participants through using data about themselves to create an abstract self portrait using code. (This is activity 5 on the website). All of… …
-Resources from Games Design Workshops 6/11/23 and 8/11/23 Amanda Ford from West College Scotland took participants through Game Design techniques focussing on the purpose and scope of the game, followed by a session on level… …
-Resources from App Prototyping Workshop from 8/11/23 We hope you enjoyed the app prototyping session with our colleagues from Inspire Learning in the Scottish Borders. The presentation from the Inspire Learning team can be found… …
-Join us and our partners from across the country to celebrate Computing Science! For the week of Monday 6th - Friday 10th November 2023, we are delighted to be delivering a host of live lessons… …
-The course is designed to allow you to teach computing within secondary schools as it has the required numbers of credits stated by the GTCS. The programme is designed to be a roll on roll… …
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