Tag: barefoot

12 October 1545 – 1715, Barefoot Programming Workshop – Introduction to Scratch

An interactive workshop introducing you to the Scratch programming environment and taking you through the concepts of sequence, repetition and selection through a series of camel related challenges.

Register here


You will need to:

be registered with Barefoot and logged into https://www.barefootcomputing.org/

have access to scratch on their device https://scratch.mit.edu/

have access to watch videos on Vimeo https://vimeo.com/

22 September 1545 – 1715, Barefoot Programming Workshop – Introduction to Scratch

An interactive workshop introducing you to the Scratch programming environment and taking you through the concepts of sequence, repetition and selection through a series of camel related challenges.

Register here

You will need to:

be registered with Barefoot and logged into https://www.barefootcomputing.org/

have access to scratch on their device https://scratch.mit.edu/

have access to watch videos on Vimeo https://vimeo.com/

Code Cracking Resources by Barefoot Computing

BT and Barefoot Computing provide free resources for teaching computational thinking. You can register for free at Barefoot Computing and use these great resources to add exciting new contexts to your numeracy and maths.

Code Cracking

This resource focuses on the role Alan Turing and the Enigma machine played in deciphering coded messages during World War II. Why not use this as a context for maths during your WWII topic?

Code Cracking lesson

Want to see more about code cracking?

Check out our Cryptography wakelet