04 May, 16:00 – 17:00, SSERC CRIS mentor programme workshops

SSERC and Education Scotland have teamed up to bring you the CRIS mentor programme. It is designed to build confidence and to develop understanding of a number of issues related to cyber resilience and internet safety in the teacher community across Scotland. The knowledge and experience gained by delegates through the programme can then be used, along with the provided resources, to mentor other staff and pupils within their school communities.

The programme focusses on 4 key areas of CRIS:

  • Digital Footprint
  • Passwords and Encryption
  • Dealing with Online Issues
  • Securing your devices


The Digilearn team will be available for drop-in workshops, where you can ask questions, discuss ideas and share resources. These sessions will be:

  • 04 May, 1600 – 1700
  • 11 May, 1600 – 1700
  • 18 May, 1600 – 1700
  • 25 May, 1600 – 1700

Join the meetings here


Further info and sign up details are available here

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