Tracking and Progression Weblinks

Early Years Web links

Developing a Documentation Approach –

Recognising achievement: Learning Community Groups of Enquiry – Stirling
Key features of Recognising Achievement

•Achievements should be as valuable as qualifications.

•The focus must be on learning and reflection, not activities.

•Learners must have ownership of their achievements and what they choose to include.

•Recognition of achievement must involve talking with and supporting young people.

•Any approach must support young people at risk of disengagement and in need of more choices, more
  chances, and must not widen the gap between the advantaged and the disadvantaged.

•The implications and practicalities of recognising achievement for schools and learning communities need to
   be explored more fully.



One thought on “Tracking and Progression Weblinks”

  1. I thought it might be useful to inform readers that SEEMIS is currently developing a system to record pupil achievements throughout their school career. It might also be relevant to know that GLOW / SEEMIS are working together to provide access to this information for children and parents.

    Another aspect of tracking intrigues me. Given that there are some 250 outcomes at each CfE level, and that each pupil will ‘achieve’ these at different times and, probably, in different ways, how are achools ensuring that ‘all / most pupils have an entitlement to a broad, general education up to and including the Third Level’ and that pupil progress is effectively recorded? This, in my opinion, will greatly aid the transition at key stages eg P7/S1 etc.


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