How to add a post

To add a post to this blog

  • Under Meta on the bottom right  click on Site Admin.
  • (It will ask you to log into Glow)
  • This will bring you to the dashboard of the blog.
  • Under the post section click the  arrow on the right handside to open the menu. Click on add new post.



  • Give your post a title and add your text, for example who you are and what the video is about. Add contact details or any relevant documents and weblinks.
  • On the right handside  select the relevant categories, for example Technologies
  • Select the relevant Tags by clicking on choose from the most recent tags (this will give you a list of the themes).


  • To view your post before you publish click on Preview.
  • To publish your post to the blog click on Publish.
  • To view the blog click on Visit Site at the top of the page.


  • To find out how to add a video to your post click here.

One thought on “How to add a post”

  1. Rowanfield is a very interesting school in Edinburgh for children with specific behavioural and emotional needs. They have been working with a “single jotter” to chronicle the learning journeys of their pupil. In these videos, the classteacher and the Headteacher talk about the project and the challenges they face in presenting pupil work and incorporating the CfE.

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