Transitions Weblinks

Early Years Web links

Pre-School into Primary Transitions –

Family Time at Lochgelly West Primary –

Claremont Nursery Children make a book about their Nursery –

Joining Our Nursery Class –

Pre- Birth To Three National Guidance –

Supporting primary-secondary transition for all – a cognitive behavioural approach
This case study describes the project which the school has implemented to support the wellbeing of all Primary 7 pupils through the transition into the secondary sector. Whilst initially considered as a potential support for a child with significant support needs, this cognitive behavioural therapy approach was then recognised by the school as being of value for all pupils within the transition programme.

Growing up with Loch Leven: exploring literacy across learning
Kinross High School and six associated primary schools worked on a range of projects related to an existing ‘Growing Up with Loch Leven’ initiative. This initiative involved developing interdisciplinary topics with a focus on learning about the local Kinross area and the natural habitat of Loch Leven. Using this context, schools aimed to develop literacy skills, in particular writing across learning, and to increase learners’ engagement and motivation in writing through the use of active learning and teaching approaches. The aims of this project were closely linked and complementary to the Perth and Kinross guidance contained within its ‘Improving Learning – Improving Literacy’ strategy.

Striding through transition – financial education ideas
Across Scotland, nursery, primary and secondary schools are working together to make sure the transition from one familiar environment to somewhere new is not only seamless, but fun and filled with opportunity.   ‘The word transition is interesting,’ says Liz Mercer who heads up Cathkin Community Nursery in South Lanarkshire. ‘How we define it is important because it sums up our approach to allowing children to fulfil their potential. A transition shouldn’t be a sudden change – it should be a flow from one situation to another. That word ‘transition’ suggests a connection is already in place. And that’s definitely the case with the way our children at the nursery prepare for starting primary school.

Sharing practice – transitions EY to P1
The ‘Sharing practice’ area provides examples of some of the exciting practice taking place in planning, building and delivering the new curriculum. One such example comes from Glenlee Primary School in South Lanarkshire. The case study explains developments that have been taking place in the school since 2007 and is supported by a number of videos about Glenlee. The focus of the case study is:

•Active learning into P1

•Continuity of approach and learning from nursery into primary.

                •The ‘Sharing practice’ area provides

Using collaborative learning and peer mentoring to improve transitions
The Curriculum for Excellence modern languages framework encourages teachers to acknowledge the need for well-planned and effectively delivered transition arrangements to support the implementation of the purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence. Teachers from both the primary and secondary sectors agree that partnership and collaboration are essential to ensure effective cross-sector transition. This project illustrates one approach that St Thomas of Aquin’s High School in Edinburgh and its associated primary schools collaborate to ensure a smooth and coherent transition from P7 to S1. In doing so, the project emphasises the importance of building relationships between staff and pupils in primary and secondary sectors.

Developing a common approach to numeracy in the Beeslack cluster
The project’s main aim was to create and use a common language in mathematics across all departments in Beeslack Community High School and within its four associated feeder primaries.

This was done by means of staff training, collegiate working and collaboration along with the use of agreed and identified methodology in numeracy.

Promoting Wider Achievement
This school has begun the process of devising a strategic plan to illustrate its thinking in terms of its curriculum framework. The staff realise that their current 5-14 subject time allocations restrict opportunities to make connections in learning across curriculum areas, resulting in a fragmented approach to teaching and learning. They want to plan for and develop wider achievement within the totality of the curriculum and are moving from seven short periods of 45 minutes to a more coherent structure of three learning blocks per day. The intention is to create scope for greater depth of study and to facilitate interdisciplinary learning.