Pre-Birth to Three National Guidance and Multimedia Resource

Pre-Birth to Three: Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children  and Families, has been designed to support all adults who work with and on behalf of Scotland’s youngest children.

This exciting new resource, which includes the national guidance document, DVD, accompanying CD and poster has been created by the Early Years team at Learning and Teaching Scotland (LTS) in collaboration with Scottish Government, colleagues from early years practice, local authorities, regulatory bodies, colleges, universities and NHS Health Scotland.

The new Pre-Birth to Three national guidance makes reference to current research to support improved evidence-based practice and is brought to life by the accompanying DVD resource, which uses film clips from settings across Scotland to highlight good practice in providing best starts and positive outcomes for our youngest children.

Informed by the latest developments in neuroscience, this new national guidance explains the importance of pregnancy and the first years of life in influencing children’s future development and outcomes. Recognising the importance of brain development pre-birth, when supporting early years staff in their work with babies and young children is a unique approach for Scotland, the UK and beyond.

Supporting  the Scottish Government’s 10-year commitment and vision to improve the lives of children and families, this new resource supports the principles and values of key Scottish Government  policy, such as the Early Years Framework, Equally Well, Achieving our Potential, Getting it right for every child and Curriculum for Excellence.

Although Curriculum for Excellence is designed for children aged 3-18, the pre-birth to three guidance supports transition through services. It emphasises that critical learning has already taken place before a child reaches the age of three and that experiences from pre-birth to three can influence the rest of their lives.

You can access the interactive version of the new National Pre-Birth to Three Guidance and multimedia resource on the Early Years Website:

This is a short video of Lisa Barnes, Principal Teacher Early Years Midlothian Council and Diane Janczyk, Family Playworker, Hand-in-Hand, Midlothian Sure Start discussing the New Pre-Birth to Three National Guidance and multi media resource and how useful this will be for reflecting on their practice and ensuring a high quality service.

Building Confidence in Assessment and Moderation

In this video clip a former Education Authority Development Officer for Curriculum for Excellence talks about what staff in her school, Pencaitland PS, feel are the most immediate challenges – assessment and moderation. She describes the importance of providing dedicated time for professional dialogue, of sharing the leadership amongst the staff and of working within guidelines developed by the Authority to support practitioners


This project became the interface between P7 and S1 in Kirkintilloch High School. “Belleville” is a  modern languages transitions project across the Kirkintilloch Cluster.Here the modern languages teacher describes how primary and secondary staff collaborated in setting up and encouraging real life  contexts for learning: a make- believe town where pupils could interact ,taking advantage of interdisciplinary learning opportunities.

Transitions 1

Secondary staff from Kirkintilloch High School outline their approach to transition with feeder primaries through developing enquiry skills through a local area project.They identified shared local resources and agreed on a common approach in both P7 and S1.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Wondering how interdisciplinary learning can contribute to the development of learning and skills in your class/school/establishment? Ths video considers some of the possibilities and practicalities of embedding interdisciplinary learning in your practice. You can find more information here on the LTS website:

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