Tag Archives: howto

Categorising Your Posts as Bootcamp

When you take part in the bootcamp we want you to categorise your posts bootcamp.

We will use this to bring your posts on your blog onto this one. This will allow participants to easily visit each  others blog post.

You need to tell us the first time you do this.  You do this by emailing us the link to the first blog post you categorise. After that you just add the category bootcamp to the posts you want to send to the bootcamp and it happens automatically.

Adding the Category for the First Time:



  1. After writing your post, on the right had side of the editor, click +Add New Category
  2. Type in the name of the category, in this case bootcamp
  3. Click the Add New Category Button
  4. The Category will bee added to the category list, it will be checked.
  5. email the link to this first post to gw09johnstonjohn4@glowmail.org.uk

Subsequent posts

The Category bootcamp will appear in the list, all you need to do is tick it before publishing the post.