
Footnotes provide an easy way to add footnotes to your posts and pages.

Footnotes block – Documentation –

Unlike other blocks footnotes are not created by insertion. They are not to be found in the block inserter. The block is added when you choose footnote from the more dropdown1 option Rich Text in the block toolbar.

Footnotes2 offer background, clarify points, and provide citations without interrupting the main text. They enhance credibility by supporting claims and guiding readers to additional sources. Useful for detailed explanations, footnotes keep writing concise while allowing readers to explore further information selectively, maintaining flow and readability in formal writing.

The footnote block will not stay at the bottom if you add more block below it. But you can move it. If you delete the footnote block accidentally, just dd another footnote and your original footnotes will reappear.

  1. screenshot of the block toolbar showing the more options dropdown. ↩︎
  2. This information came from ChatGPT. ↩︎






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