eBooks are recent into the school environment, but can be very beneficial. They are defined as “an electronic version of a printed books which can be read on a computer or a specifically designed handheld devices’ (Oxford Dictionary).
Texts can be more than just books and printed, as listed below these are examples of texts that are stated from the curriculum for excellence: Novels, short stories, plays, poems, spoken word, charts, maps, graphs, newspapers, CV’s, letters, emails, films, games, TV programmes, labels, recipes, text messages, social networking sites, web pages and directions. These are the most popular forms of texts in the 21st century.
As a learner, I believe that eBooks have an advantage over printed books personally as it keeps the reader engaged due to the different qualities such as audio reading where the eBook reads to you while you listen. Personally it enables me to relax and listen to the book and visualise the content of the novel.
As an educator it was brought to my attention that eBooks are more interactive and can be used through many different devices such as; computers, iPads and mobile devices which allows the children to stay engaged for a longer period of time as they are participating in a classroom setting by using the application of Book Creator, this allows children to create their own eBooks on the devices.
Curriculum for Excellence states that by using eBooks it enables to “enhance [my] learning by applying my ICT skills in different learning contexts across the curriculum” (TCH 3-04a).
CFE Technologies: Experiences and Outcomes