Integrated Arts – Entry 5


“I have the opportunity and freedom to choose and explore ways that I can move rhythmically, expressively and playfully”. (Scottish Government, 2004, p5).

In this week’s workshop we had the opportunity to take part in a dance lesson. We took part and lots of introductory games that would be perfect to use in a primary school setting. We began by writing down how we felt about dance, and if we would feel confident enough to lead the learning in this aspect of the curriculum. I felt fairly confident as i have took part in dance classes since the age of 6 and i am was also a British champion cheerleader.

Key skills that i learned through this input is to perform infant of a large audience. At first i felt embarrassed as i had to perform infant of my peers, however i quickly got used to the pressure and began to enjoy the freedom of dance. I think dance is a great way to express emotion, feelings and it also brings enjoyment to your life.

Through this input we also seen how dance can be cooperated in other parts in the curriculum. We learned about different body parts to help learn about warming up and cooling down without harming the body. This could tie into Physical Education, Health and Wellbeing and Biology.

The last activity that we completed would help us a student teachers and future educators in dance. The task involved discussing words/movements that can be used to create a good dance lesson which were:

Gesture, Balance, Hop, Kick, Jump, Roll, Slide, Turn, and Twist.

Here is some video’s of me practicing the basic moves that will help create a sequenced dance once put together;

As a student teacher I feel like the task have helped me to become more confident in dance. As I experience most of the tasks as a learer I know how daunting dancing can really be infront of peers. I will consider this when teaching my classes.




Scottish Government (2004) Curriculum for Excellence. [Online] Available : [Accessesed : 20th October 2017].

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