Integrated Arts – Entry 10


This week’s drama session was very enjoyable. As previously stated myself and the group I was working with were able to create a lesson and micro teach this to our peers. This week we were participating in the opposite. We got to experience being in the learners seat and be taught by our peers.

Each group were very imaginative when planning their lessons. I acted out many different scenes while using many different conventions such as voice in the head, freeze frame, thought tracking and mime. Everyone In the class were beginning to take drama a lot more seriously. As a student teacher I think it is important that we take drama seriously as the children in our class will begin to take it seriously too. Drama can be very effective in letting children see different view points for example being in the shoes of a bully and this is why it must not be just a laugh.

I have really enjoyed the drama sessions in this module and I think it will really benefit me in my future career as a teacher.


It has been a while since we took part in dance in the university and this became a bit of a challenge! We were asked to think back and remember the moves that we had created in the previous class which was a bit of a struggle. As I feel confidence when it comes to choreography I managed to think of moves we could learn quickly and teach the rest of my group. We then came together as a class and again put all of our moves together

When dancing I really enjoy the shapes I can make with my body. I can express myself through movement and be imaginative with myself. I think dance is a type of creativity that is very important. As a student teacher, I am eager to teach dance in this years placement during my serial days. I think it is important that all children experience all of the creative arts for a chance to experience creativity.


Both of these sessions linked today as in both sessions we were able to be imaginative and make up our own creativity such as our own dances and our own drama scenes.  During drama, we could have created up a completely random scene and then used this a stimulus for literacy and write a imaginative short story. This could also be applied to dance. We can complete a dance related to a theme such as remembrance day, and then link this to literacy by writing a story! These are all fun and creative way that the arts can be linked into the curriculum.




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