Today’s seminar was focused on presenting a PowerPoint based on natural disasters. Our group focused on earthquakes :
Skills I developed during this task where communications skills, digital literacy skills, presentation skills and time management skills. As we only had 1 week to prepare this presentation, my group found it challenging to all find a time that suits best to create the PowerPoint. Between uni, placement and work we all have a busy schedule, so not having an allocated time slot given by lectures was difficult. We came up with a solution which was to all create our own slides and put them together to create a final draft. Communication skills were vital as we all had to keep in contact to make sure we had created our slides. We used email to send back and forth the slides which was a great form of communication. We also contacted one another through the use of social media which we found beneficial.
As a student teacher, I think it is crucial that we manage our time effectively and also have great communication skills. As I am I placement just now, I think it is important I can manage my time effectively as I need to know how to balance a part time job, university, and placement. I have experience doing this due to college. I make sure I keep on top of all uni work and also that I plan for placement in advance so that I don’t become stressed.
I also think it is important that we teach children the importance of time management. Using a visual timetable in the classroom can let the children see how we will plan our time throughout the day and it is crucial that we stick to the timetable to stay on track. However, I also think it is useful to explain to the children that sometimes everything does not go to plan due to certain circumstances and this is just a matter of life.