Situated Communication Task – independent Study task 16th October

Once I had done these tasks I partnered up with Rachael to discuss our notes. Our notes on the strengths and areas for improvement were very similar, we both caught on to the fact that the teacher crouched over quite a lot while teaching and talking with the children. This is quite a negative body language and doesn’t show that he is engaged in what they are saying and looks unprofessional.

I found it surprising that teachers regularly video their lessons. I have never seen or heard of this happening before. It was also surprising how much doing this helped the teacher to know what they needed to improve on and for them to quickly do so.  I did not find my partners observations surprising as we both had similar responses to the tasks that had been set.

I found the tasks that were set reasonably difficult but manageable. I was able to do the tasks but they required some thought and discussion to look deeper into what the messages being conveyed were saying.

The difference between feedback and judgement is that feedback is pointing out the good and the bad things but with a constructive side to it, so any negative feedback given is given in a way to help the person improve. Whereas judgement is just pointing out the negative in a way to hurt or bring down the person instead of helping them.

If I was to take one idea from this task to placement I would take the idea of allowing a class to have discussions between themselves but only in a controlled environment and when I feel as though the class is calm and concentrated enough to do so. When I go into teaching lessons I would consider recording some of my lessons to self evaluate my own teaching styles and the things I need to improve on.

I am feeling very nervous to start placement but at the same time excited to get to observe the teacher teaching and getting to interact with the pupils.

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