Society and Lifestyles: Religion and Society

In todays lecture on Religion and Society, and the follow-up tutorial and independent task, I have learned about four main areas: How religion can be classified Common features of religion Approaches towards religion (Insider and Outsider approach) Sociological/Anthropological theories relating … Continue reading

In todays lecture on Religion and Society, and the follow-up tutorial and independent task, I have learned about four main areas: How religion can be classified Common features of religion Approaches towards religion (Insider and Outsider approach) Sociological/Anthropological theories relating … Continue reading

Religion, Society and Diversity

Today has been a very interesting but difficult day for me. This particular module contains a lot of new information for me to retain, therefore I am finding it a little hard to grasp. I hope in the upcoming weeks I will have better knowledge and understanding of what this module is fully about. In … Continue reading Religion, Society and Diversity

Today has been a very interesting but difficult day for me. This particular module contains a lot of new information for me to retain, therefore I am finding it a little hard to grasp. I hope in the upcoming weeks I will have better knowledge and understanding of what this module is fully about.

In general, I have enjoyed my first lecture, tutorial and tutor based task for Society and Lifestyles. Today’s topic on Religion, Society and Diversity has been interesting for me to learn because it is something I have never looked into before. Although I am reflecting as a learner rather than a teacher, I believe this module will be very helpful in the years to come because it will give me more knowledge on a subject I know little about.

I thought that the lecture was very intense this morning. There was a lot of information to grasp, but I think it was beneficial in the tutorial because it gave me more to think and write about. I was very interested to learn about the insider’s (believer’s) and outsider’s (scholarly) approach to religion. I was unaware of these approaches and believe that this will be useful for me in teaching. As a teacher, it will be very important for me to keep to the outsider’s approach so that my views are not influencing the pupils in the class. This can also be linked to Ninian Smart’s multi-dimensional approach called phenomenology. This allows teachers to teach the ‘essence’ of religion and not influence a child’s view on religion.

I thought it was also very useful to learn about famous functionalists of religion. I think that it was a good idea to link this to the individual task, although today we had a limited amount of time unfortunately. I feel that this allowed us to look further into one of the functionalists and gave us more information on the background of the person. I chose to look into  Broinslaw Malinowski and found out that he was mainly focused on religion as  an institution because he believed that culture functioned to meet the needs of individuals rather than society itself.

I thought that the tutorial was very useful because we got to work in groups rather than individually. This allowed us to come together and answer the question as a group. In hindsight, I think that it would have been better to be split up into smaller groups. My group focused on the opportunities of religious diversity in society. One of the points my group came up with was that the religious institutions could be linked to social integration. We knew this because Durkheim believed tat religion serves to bind a group together, therefore allowing social harmony in religion.

Reflecting on the lessons today, I can definitely say that I have learned a lot of new information. To understand today’s lecture/ tutorial more, I will look over my notes from today to become more secure in my learning. If I am still struggling to comprehend some of the concepts/ issues discussed today I will research the area further to become more confident in Religion, Society and Diversity.


Religion, Society and Diversity

In today’s lecture and tutorials, I learnt a significant amount of knowledge in regards to religion and society. Firstly, the lecture was an overview of what religion means, features of religion, types of religion, core religions can vary in believes and introducing theorists and religion functions. During the lecture, I began to question my own … Continue reading Religion, Society and Diversity

In today’s lecture and tutorials, I learnt a significant amount of knowledge in regards to religion and society. Firstly, the lecture was an overview of what religion means, features of religion, types of religion, core religions can vary in believes and introducing theorists and religion functions. During the lecture, I began to question my own views, as I practise my faith and have been brought up to believe in the faith teachings, but today allowed myself to consider a different dynamic to religions and cultures. Therefore, I found this input to be insightful, as the terms and definitions where genetic and universally used by all religions. Participating in the group tutorial enabled us to share our opinions and our individual perceptions of religion and society, concluding religion can have positive and negative aspects that can affect not just local communities but wider communities too. As part of the independent task I selected to research French social psychologist Emile Durkheim. His theories highlight religion is factual, brings society together, preserves society and engenders citizens to have a sense of value. Reading into Durkheim views it became apparent I feel and witness this through my faith.

In general religion and society are complex issues that can create confusion and questioning. But from today’s inputs I was able to understand majority of concepts raised specifically features of religion. However, I found the aspects based on theorists to be rather challenging and will have to consolidate my understanding through further reading. Also, being introduced to ‘insider and outsider view’ of religion will require more reading too in order to develop my knowledge and what is meant to have an ‘outsider view’ as a student teacher/teacher.

Overall today I learnt an abundance of new knowledge which has motivated myself to do further reading and research religion and society as I find this topic to be engrossing, learning the cultures behind the religions can influence the ways in which we lead our lives. It is important now that I look beyond my faith and have a wide scope of understanding of other religions.

As a student teacher, it is important that I develop my understanding of the many religions in not just Scotland but worldwide, and the impact that religions can have on societies. I believe that moral, ethnic and religious education is vital and should always be taught in the classroom as this provide pupils the opportunity to explore their own religion in-depth but other religions too.  Being a practising Roman Catholic, later this year I am hopeful I will be able to start the Catholic Teacher Certificate and this will provide me with the opportunity to teach in Catholic Schools. However Catholic schools are become more diverse and enriched with other religions, it is therefore pivotal that I advance my learning of our religions and cultures to support the pupils whom I teach. By completing this module, I should develop my understanding of religion which could support my knowledge when I am ready to commence the Catholic Teacher Certificate.

Most aspect addressed in today’s input will require further revision and reading in order to consolidate and secure my understanding in these aspects of religion and society.

Religion, Society and Diversity

In todays lecture, I have learned the types and beliefs  of religion in society. After having never received any form of education at school on religion I feel that I […]

religionIn todays lecture, I have learned the types and beliefs  of religion in society. After having never received any form of education at school on religion I feel that I have learned a lot more in detail about religious diversity and the positive and negative challenges and opportunities they offer. In the tutorial I feel I was beginning to learn how to prepare and form and essay with help from a group. This allows me to prepare essays plans that may possibly come up in the future. By completing the independent study task I was able research more on the anthropologist, ‘Bronislaw Malinowski’  and become more familiar with his beliefs in religion.

I understand the main concepts discussed today by following up reading on the functions of religion and gaining more useful knowledge on the anthropologist ‘M.F.C. Bourdillon’. I also understood the the types of religion as a social institution as I have previous knowledge of this however, after todays lecture I am now more fully aware of the cult which I never heard of before.  I also watched the jim jones video which helped my understanding and knowledge of religion in society.

I am struggling to understand the different functions of religion and the difference between the three anthropologists, I find this quite confusing. Furthermore, I will write the three anthropologists down and discuss their theories and compare them one by one which will develop my understanding better.

I feel what i have learned today relates a lot to myself as a student primary teacher. I must learn to expand my views and opinions on various religions and cultures to be able to adapt to children beliefs. I have also taken into account the positive and negative aspects religion has on the diversity as I feel this was extremely useful to myself as a student teacher to become cautious of these in a teaching environment.



Religion, Society and Diversity

Today was a day full of information, maybe a little bit too much. It was extremely daunting walking into the first lecture today as many of my friends at UWS have said ‘Society and Lifestyles’ is the hardest module to pass, knocking my confidence before I’d even met the lecturers. I feel that I can … Continue reading Religion, Society and Diversity

Today was a day full of information, maybe a little bit too much. It was extremely daunting walking into the first lecture today as many of my friends at UWS have said ‘Society and Lifestyles’ is the hardest module to pass, knocking my confidence before I’d even met the lecturers. I feel that I can confirm that this module will indeed be the hardest. Nevertheless, it is also the module that I am most interested in and so I hope that may work in my favour.

I learned a lot today about what was expected from me, as the learner. This looks to be a difficult module and so it will be beneficial in the long term for me to fully understand the layout of the course. However, a knew aspect that I also learned today was the different approaches to religion (i.e. the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ approach). Before the lecture, I was unaware of the different ways that religion is taught or understood. This leads on to the important philosophers in regards to religion, one in particular being Ninian Smart. Phenomenology is a term that was first introduced to me today and I have since in the hours upon leaving university researched thoroughly to ensure full understanding.

As a whole, I have understood everything that was ‘thrown’ at me today despite some of the teaching being new to me. We were given the opportunity to research a theorist of our choice (out of the three given) and I chose Bronislaw Malinowski. I chose him because I liked his name, however upon researching him, I found I liked his theories more. Malinowski believed religion played a huge role in regards to the primitive side of society. Giving individuals a leader was a sort of security blanket, a way of explaining things that are not deemed as normal. He thought religion to contain several scientific laws that in turn prevented any chaotic behaviour. A relatable example being that as we have policemen to ensure that everyone follows the law, keeping everyone safe in the long-term, religion allowed individuals the psychological release to not live their lives in fear of the unknown.

After today, I have not identified any particular concepts or issues that I am struggling with. I believe this is due to me having a passion for learning about religion and philosophy. Despite me not being religious, religious education has continued to be my favourite subject right through my school years. However, I am a firm believer that you can never have enough knowledge and so I will continue to research and study the different components of religion and the effects that it has in society.

My knowledge of religion within society has certainly increased. Before today, I was not aware of just how much of our lives is affected by religion. Religion is incorporated throughout every aspect of our society, no matter the context in which it is placed.  As a future primary teacher, it will be my job to educate children in all aspects of religion, from the beliefs of individuals right down to the social relations. It is understandable that some parents, carers and teachers may not feel comfortable teaching children about the various religions and their influences for multiple reasons however, in order for society to function, I believe that knowledge of religion is extremely important. When I think of religion, prejudice is a word that is synonyms.

It is easier to judge someone because they are different from you than it is to educate yourself on why. The debates on banning the burka in France are prime examples of prejudice, being that many people associate them with previous terror attacks rather than the actual religious beliefs behind it. The religion seems to be a second thought to a lot of people. I understand the different viewpoints regarding religion and why some people are more against certain aspects however after today, I feel inspired to teach young people why it is okay to be different from others and why it is okay to follow religion no matter the stereotypes which may be associated with said religion. I have come to learn that religious diversity is a positive thing as it introduces tolerance to society whilst also enriching society with new cultures and views.

My first day of this module was overall a success, nevertheless there are still things that I can improve on. The main area for improvement in this module was highlighted to be my ability to link theory with practise. To be more precise, the incorporation of theorists in my answers. I am aware of what the question is asking of me and what I need to write in order to get a good mark however, my answers seem to be ‘hazy’, in that I’m not entirely confident with the concept of linking everything together. To improve, I must practise writing exam style questions as well as research each theorist/concept more widely in order to gain the confidence and knowledge needed to pass Society and Lifestyles.

Reflective Work – Religion,Society and Diversity

From the lecture I have learned about what religion means and that there is no specific definition but that it is based on a community of people that are united by having the same beliefs. In addition to this we explored the difference between established religions, sects and cults and what the key aspects of … Continue reading Reflective Work – Religion,Society and Diversity

From the lecture I have learned about what religion means and that there is no specific definition but that it is based on a community of people that are united by having the same beliefs. In addition to this we explored the difference between established religions, sects and cults and what the key aspects of these different types of religions are.

In the tutorial we looked at three specific key scholars ; M.C.F Bourdillon, Emile Durkheim and Bronislaw Malninowski and researched what they are known for and the impact that there work has had on society. I researched the famous sociologist M.C.F Bourdillon which identified the main functions of religion. These function include ; dealing with life crises, social relations, united people within the group, sentiments and structure, peace in the community, basic needs, identity and explanation and meaning. In one tutorial my group looked at the challenges of religious diversity in society and we came up with possible exam style answers.

My knowledge has vastly developed from today’s lecture as I was unaware of the differences between religions, cults and sects and now I fully understand the ways in which they differ and how they impact society as cults use more radical ideas and practices compared to established religions which have been going for a long time and have established roots. My knowledge has also been enhanced as I was unaware that religions had specific functions and that most religions are based on the same functions therefore are very similar.

After today I plan to work towards relating what I have learned in the lecture and tutorials to the seen question and how I would answer it based on the functions of religion and their impact on society. Also I wish to improve on my knowledge of the different theorists and apply their works to the content of the course and try make links between them.

Week 4

11/10/16 In this art lesson we focused on the importance of a child’s art work being unique and not uniformed which are copied straight from an artist with all the class being copies of each other. The lecturer read a … Continue reading


In this art lesson we focused on the importance of a child’s art work being unique and not uniformed which are copied straight from an artist with all the class being copies of each other. The lecturer read a description of a scene then we were to paint this scene. Our resources to paint this scene included any colour/size of paper, an unconventional ‘brush’ (these were handmade), white paint and primary colours of paint. This activity not only develops listening sills but allows creativity. There was not any of the completed pieces of work that were the exact same despite all listening to the same description. This would be an effective lesson within primary schools as it allows pupils to experiment with different materials for example different brushes which creates different types of strokes and textures. It also enables them to experiment with different colours as the have to mix their own green, orange etc.

Session 11 – 6/12/11

Todays lecture was focussed on using alternative approaches to art education. Specifically concentrating on Room 13 which is an art studio in a school where children are permitted to lead their own learning and let their imagination run free while creating their artwork with a teacher there only for assistance when needed. We were shown […]

Todays lecture was focussed on using alternative approaches to art education. Specifically concentrating on Room 13 which is an art studio in a school where children are permitted to lead their own learning and let their imagination run free while creating their artwork with a teacher there only for assistance when needed. We were shown a video explaining what Room 13 is and hearing the pupils opinions on the initiative and how it had benefitted them. This was very insightful as it showed the positive impact that allowing children to be creative has on them.


In todays art class we were continuing to consider room 13. Again, we discussed the benefits this project has on children such as increased independence and confidence in their ability to produce art. We were shown various pieces of work that has came from room 13 and analysed them thinking about the inspiration behind them etc.

I think that the room 13 project is very beneficial and something I will continue to consider.



Today we were introduced to the use of figure notes. This is when sheet music with musical notes is replaced by colours and shapes representing a note. Using this resulted in it being far easier to play a musical piece as the barrier of being able to read the music notes was removed. This showed how music can be taught in a simpler form for those who would struggle reading sheet music and provides quicker results for them and increasing their confidence with their ability to play music.

We had the opportunity to use figure notes for ourselves by playing tunes such as jingle bells and twinkle twinkle on the keyboard, glockenspiel and guitar.

I think figure notes is very useful and I will definitely use it throughout my career.

Session 10 – 29/11/16

Today we had inputs of Music and Drama. Music Today we were learning the basics of how to play the ukelele. We learned the main 4 chords to play on a ukelele which was useful as this is what most songs are made up of which is highlighted by the song ‘4 Chords’ by the […]

Today we had inputs of Music and Drama.


Today we were learning the basics of how to play the ukelele.


We learned the main 4 chords to play on a ukelele which was useful as this is what most songs are made up of which is highlighted by the song ‘4 Chords’ by the Axis of Awesome. This was a really fun lesson as we had the chance to practice the basic skills we had picked up by playing along to the song ‘Last Christmas’ by Wham. It was very useful as the ukelele is becoming a popular instrument within primary schools and something we will most likely encounter throughout our careers.



Today we continued with the other half of the class’s micro teaching of their particular children’s book.


This week it was my groups turn to deliver the lesson. The book we chose to use was ‘A squash and a squeeze’.


We read this story to the class and used the drama conventions role in the wall and thought tunnel. This was good to gain the experience of how to deliver a drama lesson and understand what would go well and what would require improvement. It was helpful in increasing my confidence in teaching drama.

Session 9 – 15/11/16

Today we had inputs on Art and Music. Art In todays class we were introduced to the painting entitled ‘Windows in the West’ by Avril Paton. Considering this piece of artwork we were prompted to develop our analytical thinking into the story behind it. See below the video describing the painting in fuller detail: We […]

Today we had inputs on Art and Music.


In todays class we were introduced to the painting entitled ‘Windows in the West’ by Avril Paton. Considering this piece of artwork we were prompted to develop our analytical thinking into the story behind it. See below the video describing the painting in fuller detail:

We were given a copy of this painting and bits of polystyrene and told to choose a segment of the painting to draw ourselves. Once completing this we covered the polystyrene in green paint and printed it onto a piece of red paper. This was useful as it showed a different activity to do with children and one that will encourage them to remember famous pieces of art work by creating their own representation of the piece.



Today we were exploring the musical online resource ‘Charanga’ –

This is an amazing resource as it is full of fun ways to teach music. We were looking at all of the sites different features and trying out the various activities. This was very beneficial as it gave us inspiration on what we could use with our own classes in the future and something i will definitely use more of in the next few years.

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