In today’s lecture and tutorials, I learnt a significant amount of knowledge in regards to religion and society. Firstly, the lecture was an overview of what religion means, features of religion, types of religion, core religions can vary in believes and introducing theorists and religion functions. During the lecture, I began to question my own … Continue reading Religion, Society and Diversity →
In today’s lecture and tutorials, I learnt a significant amount of knowledge in regards to religion and society. Firstly, the lecture was an overview of what religion means, features of religion, types of religion, core religions can vary in believes and introducing theorists and religion functions. During the lecture, I began to question my own views, as I practise my faith and have been brought up to believe in the faith teachings, but today allowed myself to consider a different dynamic to religions and cultures. Therefore, I found this input to be insightful, as the terms and definitions where genetic and universally used by all religions. Participating in the group tutorial enabled us to share our opinions and our individual perceptions of religion and society, concluding religion can have positive and negative aspects that can affect not just local communities but wider communities too. As part of the independent task I selected to research French social psychologist Emile Durkheim. His theories highlight religion is factual, brings society together, preserves society and engenders citizens to have a sense of value. Reading into Durkheim views it became apparent I feel and witness this through my faith.
In general religion and society are complex issues that can create confusion and questioning. But from today’s inputs I was able to understand majority of concepts raised specifically features of religion. However, I found the aspects based on theorists to be rather challenging and will have to consolidate my understanding through further reading. Also, being introduced to ‘insider and outsider view’ of religion will require more reading too in order to develop my knowledge and what is meant to have an ‘outsider view’ as a student teacher/teacher.
Overall today I learnt an abundance of new knowledge which has motivated myself to do further reading and research religion and society as I find this topic to be engrossing, learning the cultures behind the religions can influence the ways in which we lead our lives. It is important now that I look beyond my faith and have a wide scope of understanding of other religions.
As a student teacher, it is important that I develop my understanding of the many religions in not just Scotland but worldwide, and the impact that religions can have on societies. I believe that moral, ethnic and religious education is vital and should always be taught in the classroom as this provide pupils the opportunity to explore their own religion in-depth but other religions too. Being a practising Roman Catholic, later this year I am hopeful I will be able to start the Catholic Teacher Certificate and this will provide me with the opportunity to teach in Catholic Schools. However Catholic schools are become more diverse and enriched with other religions, it is therefore pivotal that I advance my learning of our religions and cultures to support the pupils whom I teach. By completing this module, I should develop my understanding of religion which could support my knowledge when I am ready to commence the Catholic Teacher Certificate.
Most aspect addressed in today’s input will require further revision and reading in order to consolidate and secure my understanding in these aspects of religion and society.