Climate Change

The climate change (Scotland) act 2009 is an act of the Scottish parliament. The act is split into various different parts including information on the target to reduce emissions which is set for 2050, advisory functions, reporting duties, duties of public bodies relating to climate change & other climate change provisions. This act has had … Continue reading Climate Change

The climate change (Scotland) act 2009 is an act of the Scottish parliament. The act is split into various different parts including information on the target to reduce emissions which is set for 2050, advisory functions, reporting duties, duties of public bodies relating to climate change & other climate change provisions.
This act has had an impact on my lifestyle as it has brought about the 5p carrier bag charges. These charges were introduced to encourage reusing bags and to prevent litter. This has definitely had an effect on myself as when previously I would always get a carrier bag I now use a bag for life or just use my handbag.carrier-bag-artwork-700x300-e1437642112685
From undertaking the ‘WWF Measure your footprint’ task I was shocked to discover my carbon footprint is 258% which is considerably high. My carbon breakdown showed that travel is what contributes most to my carbon footprint as I travel by bus a lot & have had 3 long plane journeys this year. The tips it provides to shrink my carbon footprint for this are to cycle or walk to work, unfortunately university & my work are not within walking/cycle distance from my house therefore I have to take public transport. ‘Stuff’ contributed the least to my carbon footprint at 8%, the tips I have been given to help this more are to recycle and buy second hand which I will definitely try.


Learning Log: Interdependence

Theme: Interdependence I really enjoyed the farm visit that we had for this input. Coming from a farming background myself, it was nice to see a different way of doing things. I think it is very important that we know … Continue reading

Theme: Interdependence

I really enjoyed the farm visit that we had for this input. Coming from a farming background myself, it was nice to see a different way of doing things. I think it is very important that we know and understand where our food/milk comes from.

I found the whole process very interesting and was amazed when I discovered that the cows spent their whole lives in this giant barn, as opposed to grazing in the fields. At first, this fact bothered me and I thought it was cruel to keep them from roaming in the fields, but after the farmer further explained it to us, I understood that it was not cruel as cows do not need a large amount of space to exercise and the shed was able to adjust itself to the weather outside. We saw this firsthand towards the end of our visit, when the temperature dropped and so the shed accommodated this by having large ‘shutters’ that closed.

I also loved the modern aspect this farm had compared to others I have been to. There were robots cleaning the ground where the cows lived to keep it more hygienic as well as a very large robot that went in a loop around the barn to push the feed closer to the cows. It was a very fresh take on dairy farming that I loved to see.

I think it would be very beneficial to children to see and understand where their food and milk came from to have a greater understanding of the world that we live in. I would love to take a class to a farm in the future, Strandhead farm especially!


Learning Log 26/10/2016

Theme: Natural Disasters Key Learning:  During the morning lecture, Louise came in to speak briefly about the assignment that we have to do and what is expected of us in it. After the lecture we attended a workshop also with Louise.  During this we looked at the classification of  disaster. From this I learned that … Continue reading Learning Log 26/10/2016


Natural Disasters

Key Learning:

 During the morning lecture, Louise came in to speak briefly about the assignment that we have to do and what is expected of us in it.

After the lecture we attended a workshop also with Louise.  During this we looked at the classification of  disaster. From this I learned that it is only a disaster if or when society is impacted, this includes events such as: social disruption, material damage or loss of life. (Burton Et Al, 1978) believes that it can be classed as a disaster when it costs more than $1 million to repair the damage or if there are 100 or more deaths.

We also looked at the definition of a natural disaster and examples of what a natural disaster may be. Throughout this discussion I gathered that a natural disaster is a major event that comes from natural processes of the earth. This type of disaster can causes many problems and it can typically leave economic damage in it’s wake. However, the severity of said disasters depends on the affected population resilience or the ability to recover. A few examples that may be classed as a natural disaster may be: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, etc.

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Nearer the end of the workshop we looked at a few case studies, including one from Haiti and one from Japan. From these case studies we gathered information about what the Government done in preparation for these sorts of disasters and also what they done after it in order to recover from it. For example, the Haiti Government had a poor response to the disaster and they handed over airport control to the US. However, on the other hand the Japanese government is among the best prepared in the world for disasters and they issued a warning 3 minutes after an earthquake.

In my opinion, I would say that it is important to bring in this sort of topic to teaching as it gives children an insight about what is happening in the world. It gives them information about how dangerous these sort of events can be, but it also allows them to see what can be done in preparation for it and what can also be done after it. However, I think it is important to be mindful about what we are saying and showing to the children. For example, it is important to inform children about it but it may not be suitable to show them images or videos of these sort of disasters as some of them may be quite graphic and therefore disturb some people.





















Impact on my views/lifestyle/practice:













Areas of interest to explore further/develop:















Life at Uws

Student life at UWS is fun, exciting and also overwhelming. I can’t believe i have made it to university and i am now a full time student (with part time work on the side). Ayr UWS is a beautiful campus. … Continue reading

Student life at UWS is fun, exciting and also overwhelming. I can’t believe i have made it to university and i am now a full time student (with part time work on the side). Ayr UWS is a beautiful campus. I am proud of myself for making it to univeristy, and also happy that i made the choice to study at the School of Education, UWS Ayr Campus.

I have met a great bunch of friends here at UWS who have similar intrests . Its great to chat and hang around with a bunch of people who have the same career goal as you, and who also can help you with your problems on the course.

I am overjoyed that i am finally starting my journey of becoming a primary school teacher. I believe that one step at a time and being relaxed is crucial when studying. I will keep my eye on the goal, and one day, i will achieve my dream job. “Miss Gentles, the primary educator!”

Personal Response to ‘Room’ by Emma Donoghue

Personal Response to ‘Room’ by Emma Donoghue Reading has always been part of my life. Reading was enjoyable even from a very young age. My gran would always read me a traditional fairy tale before bed and my mum constantly … Continue reading

Personal Response to ‘Room’ by Emma Donoghue Reading has always been part of my life. Reading was enjoyable even from a very young age. My gran would always read me a traditional fairy tale before bed and my mum constantly … Continue reading

Starting A New Adventure

Starting a new adventure in your life can be quite scary as well as exciting. After having started my own new adventure recently I can confirm this was the way that I felt. On my first day of university I … Continue reading

Starting a new adventure in your life can be quite scary as well as exciting. After having started my own new adventure recently I can confirm this was the way that I felt. On my first day of university I … Continue reading

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