Reflection on Values Workshop

On Tuesday, I had a values workshop which initially I thought was to get our views on ways to improve how information is handed out at the University. As the workshop continued I thought it was about creatively working with the materials and tools which we were handed as very group had a different amount of materials, and how we can use this as an activity in the classroom- being able to know what can be done with little materials or a lot.

When the activity had ended I was told that each group was getting treated differently,  I was in a group with the least amount of supplies and least amount of help/input from lecturer. I didn’t notice that the groups with the most were receiving help and support during the activity as I just thought all groups were trying to get the job done with what they had.

By the end of the workshop, I realise that it was about teaching us the values of how the energy/mood which I am in can impact the class and the activities which I may be trying to do with the children. It doesn’t matter on the amount of supplies and or equipment there may be. As long as everyone is treated fairly and is getting equal support and recognition.

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