Monthly Archives: January 2019

My maths journey

When I look back at my own experience with maths, it was always a relatively good experience for me. As throughout Primary School I always looked forward to it as it was the one thing which I was in ‘top set’ for and was the child who would always be finished first. When I got to high school my experience with maths changed completely as I was not getting the same amount of support which I got in Primary school and this ended up with me beginning to really struggle and eventually hating maths until my fifth year of high school when the teachers which I had gave me the support which I needed and I began to enjoy maths again.

As a future teacher I believe it is really important to ensure that every child needs are met at all times but when it comes to maths teach it in different ways as if someone is not understanding it, it could just be the way which it is being taught as maths is a language used world wide. Maths is something which is the same everywhere and fundamental to everyday life. It is extremely important that every child can use maths and not ‘dread’ it.

Reflection on Dance input.

Reflecting on this input I have learnt the value of dance and the importance of it in the classroom. I have always loved drama and known the importance of it for a child, but never really thought about dance as being just as an important expressive art. I think this is because it has never been something which I feel confident.

From this input on Friday I have discovered that it is not about having all the knowledge on dance, different types/styles of dance but allowing children to explore their feelings through music. Dance gives them the opportunity to be as creative and silly as they want, allowing them to show their emotions through dance.

This input helped me to gain some confidence on teaching dance, but it also allowed me to gain some insight on how important it is on a young person.