Category Archives: CfE

Passeport pour la Francophonie – Creative approaches to learning French

Passeport pour la Francophonie – A voyage of discovery through the French speaking world

This new website focuses on French-speaking countries around the world. Angus, from Scotland invites you to join him on a journey as he travels to member courties of the Oranisation Internationale de la Francophonie and meets new friends.

Aude from France, Assouan from Egypt, Nyanga from Gabon, Menembe from Madagascar and Takakoto from Polynesia describe their daily lives, as well as the history and geography of the countries.

The website includes:

  • Information for primary practitioners about  teaching language skills and developing learners’ cultural awareness through interdisciplinary learning.
  • Activities and resources for supporting interconnected teaching of languages.
  • The European Language Portfolio provides pupils with a record of their achievements and progress in languages.

New Glow Community for Expressive Arts Practitioners

A new professional learning community for Expressive Arts has just been started on Glow. The community will allow practitioners to engage in professional dialogue and share exciting and dynamic practice.

Use your Glow login to start sharing:

CfE and Glow News – latest issue online

Education Scotland’s CfE and Glow News update provides information about Curriculum for Excellence and support for practitioners, along with all the latest developments within Glow.

The latest issue highlights a new CfE leaflet and two posters, the Parentzone website, the new SSLN Professional Learning Resource (Numeracy), the migration of Glow to Office 365 and some Glow TV events.

Dance CPD for teachers

YDance is running an extensive programme of CPD training opportunities from December 2012 through 2013 for early years, primary and secondary teachers. Sessions include: the basic components of dance; teaching science, numeracy and literacy through dance; support for Higher Dance and National Progression Awards.

Visit the YDance website to access pdfs of both the early years/primary and secondary leaflets: ­

New CfE Leaflet

This month EIS will include a succinct leaflet in the Scottish Education Journal detailing the support and materials already available for CfE and what is planned across the year from the partners involved in CfE Implementation.

The leaflet demonstrates Education Scotland’s commitment to work with teachers, schools, other education settings and authorities across Scotland, providing advice and materials as the implementation of CfE continues.

Download the leaflet here:

EIS CfE leaflet Oct 2012

TESS features Creativity

Creativity is the central theme running through September’s edition of TESS. Click on the following titles to view each article:

‘Creative sparks can fire up the curriculum’

Editor Gillian MacDonald highlights projects which are stimulating the imagination and encouraging new thinking in schools and local authorities.

Joan Parr

Joan Parr, portfolio manager for education, learning and young people, Creative Scotland is featured, talking about the national drive for creativity across learning.

‘Step Forth into the Creativity Portal’

The new-look Creativity Portal is reviewed, including an overview of its new features and feedback from teachers using the site.

‘Away with the Fairies’

Project Dream, is a collaboration between City of Edinburgh’s Arts and Learning Team, the Lyceum Theatre and Edinburgh schools in which teachers and pupils are coming off timetable to immerse themselves in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Creativity in the Classroom films on the Creativity Portal

Visit the Creativity Portal to view 13 examples of how teachers and community learning staff have used creative teaching in the classroom and community setting to deliver Curriculum for Excellence. From games design to storytelling, whole school strategy to pizza boxes these are small moments of creative inspiration that can be used to inform practitioners’ own work.  They provide CPD in how to take the challenges that Curriculum for Excellence poses and run with them.  The Creativity in the Classroom films are available now on the Creativity Portal.

SLF presentations available on Glow TV

A number of presentations taking place at this year’s Scottish Learning Festival are available on Glow TV, including Mike Russell’s keynote address on how practitioners are developing their creative teaching and learning as well as nurturing creative skills in learners.

You can log on to view presentations on creative approaches being used within a whole range of curriculum subjects and areas including maths, science and health and wellbeing.

For full details of these and other events log in to Glow and view the current schedule:

(Glow log-in and password required).

Glow TV events coming up

The Standard for Career Long Professional Learning

5 September, 16.00

GTC Scotland have been working on a revision of the Professional Standards, and will publish drafts of each of the revised standards in August for consultation, with a view to publishing the Standards at the start of 2013.

Twig Maths films: teacher led CPD

10 September, 16.00

Cover key learning points with inspirational examples of maths in action.   Twig Maths is quick and easy to use and completely free to Scottish schools.

Spotlight on Theatre – Directing and Writing for the Theatre

11 September, 10.00

This first session hosted at the Traverse Theatre focuses on Directing and Writing for the Theatre. As Scotland’s New Writing Theatre The Traverse prides itself on the close relationships they have with our writers. Join our Associate Director for a practical workshop that explores the relationship and journey of a playwright and director.

Spotlight on Theatre – Acting

11 September, 12.00

This second session hosted at the Lyceum Theatre focuses on acting. Take part in an acting skills workshop with our Drama Artist and learn all about careers in Acting and the routes and courses which can lead to them. There will also be a Q and A session with a professional actor – so have your questions ready!

Rehearse with Random Accomplice

Join Tron Participation on Wednesday 12 September at 2 pm live from the Tron Theatre as we take a sneak peek into the rehearsal room with Random Accomplice as they prepare for their upcoming show ‘The Incredible Adventures of See Thru Sam’.

Our Glow Meet will allow you to see the company, meet the cast, watch some rehearsal exercises and ask questions to the creative team.

For full details of these and other events log in to Glow and view the current schedule:

(Glow log-in and password required).