Category Archives: CfE

New web based course materials for National 4 and National 5

Education Scotland has published the first tranche of web based course materials to support National 4 and National 5 qualifications. The materials have been designed to help teachers and others with the delivery of programmes of learning within the new qualifications framework.

Materials now available are:

Drama for National 4 and National 5
Fashion and Textile Technology for National 4 and National 5
Geography for  National 4 and National 5
Modern Studies for National 4 and National 5
RMPS for National 4 and National 5
Practical Cake Craft for  National 5
Health and Food Technology for National 4 and National 5

View the new materials on Education Scotland’s website:

ES has been working very closely with ADES to co-ordinate the development and publication of exemplar course materials across the full range of National 4 and National 5 qualifications and further materials will publish over the coming months.

CfE Briefing 6: Progression from the Broad General Education to the Senior Phase

The sixth title in the popular series of CfE Briefings is now available and focuses on Progression from the Broad General Education to the Senior Phase.  This latest briefing explores the pivotal role of the S3 experience.  It builds on the information in CfE Briefing 1: Broad General Education in the Secondary School.

This series of briefings provides advice for practitioners and can also be used to inform partners, learners and their parents in taking forward Curriculum for Excellence.

CfE Briefing 6

SQA update on New National Qualifications

SQA has published the November issue of New National Qualifications Update.

Includes information on:

·         Unit Assessment Support
·         Draft Unit Specifications for Advanced Highers
·         CfE Subject Implementation events
·         Suite of guides
·         Scottish Studies Award
·         Education Scotland Professional Focus Papers.

CfE and Glow News

Education Scotland’s CfE and Glow News e-update provides you with updates on Curriculum for Excellence and support for practitioners, along with all the latest developments within Glow:

Read the November issue of CfE and Glow News to find out about the following:

Curriculum for Excellence
National Qualifications – Professional Focus Papers now available
National Assessment Resource
Education Scotland’s Learning Blog – selection of posts
Education Scotland reports on the impact of staff qualifications on early years learning
Game On Scotland – the schools programme for 2014
Feedback on the RM Unify pilots
New interface for teaching staff accessing Glow – December 2012
ICT in Education Excellence Group – First thoughts discussion paper
Update on Glow and e-portfolios
Glow TV events coming up.

Opening up the Future: It’s your future

It’s my Future is a song created by children, young people and adult learners to express their views on how learning needs to change to fulfil their aspirations. It demonstrates what exciting modern learning can look like. Education Scotland wants to hear from children and young people across Scotland about their hopes and aspirations for the future.

On Tuesday 4 December at 11am Education Scotland hosted a national event at Inveralmond Community High School. The event, led by young people, aimed to help shape future developments in learning and teaching. A Glow TV session enabled children and young people to speak directly to Craig Munro, one of Education Scotland’s strategic directors, and share their views about learning and teaching. View this event on Glow TV Watch Again

Creativity Exchange Fife: evaluation report

Creativity exchange fife #CXFife12 was delivered by Fife’s Creative Learning Network (FCLN) on Thursday 8 November 2012; approximately 120 participants attended.

The event was introduced by Fife Council’s Executive Director (Education and Learning) Ken Greer. It focused on creativity in learning, its impacts and benefits and showcased some of the excellent creative learning work being delivered in Fife within the context of Curriculum for Excellence.

To find out more about what took place and who took part, download the illustrated evaluation report here: Creativity Exchange Fife 2012 Final

Creative Conversation – Monday 26 Nov – Laurie O’Donnell and Jim Elder

Blinded by the Light…….

Edinburgh’s second Creative Conversation of 2012/13 takes place on Monday 26 November, 4 for 4.30pm until 5.30pm followed by wine and canapes (venue to follow on confirmation of attendance).

The creative catalysts for this event are Laurie O’Donnell and Jim Elder, and the conversation is facilitated by David Cameron.

Creative Conversations are Edinburgh’s Creative Learning Network and aim to stimulate professional dialogue about creativity within Curriculum for Excellence.

Laurie O’Donnell is an independent consultant, adviser and visiting professor specialising in the space where learning, technology and innovation collide. His background is in secondary schools and local government advisory services. His last full-time role was as director of learning and technology at Learning and Teaching Scotland.

Jim Elder is an independent education consultant and technology implementation adviser. Jim’s background is in primary education, national education development and local authority quality improvement. His last full time role was with Apple as Senior Education Manager for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Download further information on the programme and contributors:

Jim Elder and Laurie O’Donnell prog and info

If you would like to attend, please respond to Linda Lees at:

Creativity Exchange Fife #CSFife12

creativity exchange fife #CXFife12 was delivered by Fife’s Creative Learning Network (FCLN) and took place on Thursday 8 November 2012 at The Rothes Halls in Glenrothes to an audience of 120 participants.

The event focussed on creativity in learning; the impacts, the benefits and examples of creativity as a cross-curricular theme within the context of Curriculum for Excellence.  Joining us as Keynote Speaker for the event was Kenneth Greer, Executive Director (Education and Learning), Fife Council, who gave an inspirational speech which highlighted the importance of embedding creativity across all curricular subjects and not just within the expressive arts.  Participants were then put through 10 fast paced ‘speed dating’ style sessions by guest table presenters from across Education, Culture and Communities sectors, which allowed groups to offer inspirational approaches to creative learning while at the same time showcasing their work.

Fife’s Creative Learning Network (FCLN) is now in its second year and its membership has grown in strength to 145 members.

For further information: FCLN Glow Group (Glow Login required) (publically accessible)

Climate Week challenge – March 2013

Register now for the Climate Week challenge

Schools are invited to register for the Climate Week Challenge – a fun, free and easy-to-organise event to enable schools to take part in Climate Week 2013. Climate Week is Britain’s biggest climate change campaign. During the week of 4-10 March 2013, thousands of events and activities planned by organisations from every part of society will showcase real, practical ways to combat climate change.

The Climate Week Challenge can be held on any day during Climate Week. There are two versions of the Climate Week Challenge to choose from – one-hour and one-day – and the one-day version is judged nationally by a panel of judges.

The challenge is can be done by teams of four to six people of any age. It helps develop creativity, innovation and enterprise, team-working skills and experience of tackling real-life environmental issues to a deadline.

Register for the Challenge on the Climate Week website