Wednesday 13 March 2013 (09:45 – 15:40)
College Development Network, Argyll Court, Stirling
Colleges, schools, Community Learning and Development (CLD) have embraced Curriculum for Excellence entitlements to shape the learning experience of young people entering the senior phase and facilitate transition to positive destinations.
All sectors have grasped the reality that this cannot be achieved in isolation: there has to be continued strengthening and consolidation of collaborative and partnership working.
This event explores how collaborative and partnership working between colleges and CLD can support successful and sustained transitions and support skills for learning, life and work.
- To consolidate understanding of Curriculum for Excellence senior phase
- To identify the benefits of colleges and CLD working collaboratively for transition processes to senior phase
- To share and understand Curriculum for Excellence approaches used in colleges and CLD to deliver better outcomes for young people.
- To broaden understanding of CLD policy, practice and provision and the significant contribution of this sector to Curriculum for Excellence particularly in the area of skills for learning, life and work.