All posts by K. Mayer

Commonwealth Class – Debates and Competition!

Make the most of the 2014 Commonwealth Games by connecting your school to Commonwealth Class.

The BBC, the British Council and the Commonwealth Secretariat are working together to bring Commonwealth Class to schools across the world. The project is aimed at 7 – 14 year olds and provides online teaching resources and interactive activities for schools to mark the run up to the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Focusing on Commonwealth values and topical issues from a global perspective, Commonwealth Class will help connect young people around the world to learn together about how to be effective, responsible global citizens. Connect your classroom – sign up at


 We have launched a competition for schools to win the chance to work with a BBC crew to make a film in their community. We are searching for the best stories from around the Commonwealth which share what it means to be a global citizen and which best reflect the Commonwealth values. Further details and how to enter:


We also hold monthly online debates to provide an opportunity for young people to share their views on topics such as tolerance and respect, democracy, exam stress, making a living and gender equality. We would love your school to join us for the regular online debates. The next debates planned are as follows:

  •  Thursday 31st October – in association with Authors Live and the Scottish Book Trust, a debate inspired by storytellers from around the Commonwealth. Writers Lari Don, Peter Chand and Mara Menzies share their stories.
  • Thursday 14th November – a debate based around the Commonwealth Youth Forum 2013 in Sri Lanka.
  • Thursday 21st November – a language debate to mark International Education Week 2013.
  • Thursday 28th November – in association with Authors Live and the Scottish Book Trust, a debate related to a live event with Mairi Hedderwick, author of the Katie Morag stories.

 Previous debates have included contributions from pupils in Kenya, India, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Pakistan and South Africa, as well as across the UK.

 It’s easy to take part in class — watch the film, discuss the issues and email your comments to us at

BBC live debate and concert: The Queen’s Baton Relay

The Debate

Watch the newly released video with the adventurer Mark Beaumont and join young people from across the Commonwealth to discuss the Queen’s Baton Relay, launched on 9 October from Buckingham Place by her Majesty the Queen. To take part simply share and discuss your ideas between now and the 11 October by emailing . The BBC will publish pupils’ opinions, allowing schools to respond and converse in real time. For more information go to

The Concert, 11 October, 11 am

On Friday 11 October join a live concert from Glasgow to mark the first stage of the Queen’s Baton at its arrival in India. A live stream will be provide through the BBC Commonwealth Class programme.

Assembly materials

Involve your school, year group, form class etc. in a stimulating debate on the most current event around the Commonwealth Games, the launch of the Queen’s Baton Relay.  Video and teachers’ notes have been provided by the BBC here:

Game On Scotland Inverness Event: New date – 18 November 2013

When? Monday, 18 November 2013,  9.30 – 15.00

Where? Drumossie Hotel, Inverness

With around 250 days before the biggest multi-sport and cultural event ever to come to Scotland, we invite practitioners to join us and find out more on how the Commonwealth Games may provide help you to create stimulating learning opportunities across the curriculum and beyond.

The event will showcase inspirational initiatives from schools across the board and highlight programmes available to teachers to ensuring that, together, we deliver a lasting legacy for learning. The keynote address will come from Paralymic champion David Smith MBE.  A variety of engaging workshops delivered by practitioners and organisations experienced in Games Legacy work will provide practical, hands-on exemplification on the impact of using the Games as a context for learning. Workshop sessions will include:

  • exemplification from primary and secondary schools,
  • inspirational address by people directly engaged with the Games and its legacy ,
  • international education and partnerships
  • Food for Thought Education Fund around the Commonwealth Games
  • cluster and local authority initiatives.

View the Game On Scotland Event draft programme – 18 Nov, Inverness

Who should attend?

Teachers, lead staff and those with a whole school responsibility for Games Legacy, including cluster initiatives and wider curriculum remits related to the Games (e.g. active schools coorindator, health and wellbeing).

How to register:

We invite you to join us for an inspirational day of sharing and collaborative thinking around a variety of exciting opportunities by registering for the event on line  or directly with Diane Carson:

Game On Scotland – Event: New date – 18 November, Inverness

When?   Wednesday, 18 November 2013

Where?  Drumossie Hotel, Inverness

With around 300 days before the biggest multi-sport and cultural event ever to come to Scotland, we invite practitioners to join us and find out more on how the Commonwealth Games may provide help you to create stimulating learning opportunities across the curriculum and beyond.

It will showcase inspirational initiatives from schools across the board and highlight programmes available to teachers to ensuring that, together, we deliver a lasting legacy for learning.  A variety of engaging workshops delivered by practitioners and organisations experienced in Games Legacy work will provide practical, hands-on exemplification on the impact of using the Games as a context for learning.  Workshop sessions will include:

  • exemplification from primary and secondary schools,
  • inspirational address by people directly engaged with the Games and its legacy ,
  • international education and partnerships
  • funding opportunities around food education in the context of the Games
  • cluster and local authority initiatives. 

Who should attend?

Teachers, lead staff and those with a whole school responsibility for Games Legacy, including cluster initiatives and wider curriculum remits related to the Games (e.g. active schools coorindator, health and wellbeing).

 How to register: 

We invite you to join us for an inspirational day of sharing and collaborative thinking around a variety of exciting opportunities by registering for the event on line or directly with Diane Carson:

Game On Scotland at SLF 2013, 25 – 26 Sept, SECC

Join us at this year’s Scottish Learning Festival, 25th and 26th September at the SECC, Glasgow.
With a colourful programme of 3 showcase events and our key seminar in the Lomond Auditorium we will provide you with a wide variety of creative and innovative ideas and opportunities to use the Games as a rich context for learning.
Alternatively come and speak to us at the Education Scotland stand to find out the answers to:
• What is the latest competition I can join?
• How can I get a visit from Clyde to my school?
• What materials are there on offer?
• How can schools get access to the Games?

Our seminar and showcase sessions overview:

We are looking forward to meeting you at the SLF!

Your Game On Scotland Team

Game On Scotland – Glow Meet: 3 Sept. @4pm

CPD session 1: Interdisciplinary learning through the 2014 Commonwealth Games
Focus: Expressive Arts & Creativity
Tuesday, 3 September, 4pm – 4.45pm
Join here:

This is the first Glow Meet in a new series around the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games highlighting opportunities for interdisciplinary across all 8 curriculum areas.
This CPD session will provide practitioners with a kaleidoscope of ideas and opportunities in using the Games as a context for learning with a specific focus on expressive arts and creativity.

Stephen Bullock (Development Officer, Creativity and Innovation) will demonstrate the value of creativity and highlight creativity skills in the ‘Creating ambitions beyond sport’ learning journey. (
Ron Cowie (Senior Education Officer, Expressive Arts) will present two brand new learning journeys and explain how these link to the Commonwealth Games theme. The journeys will feature opportunities for skills development and inter-disciplinary learning across expressive arts and other areas of the curriculum.
Simon Sharkey (National Theatre Scotland) will introduce teachers to the opportunity to connect with a major Eco arts programme that will culminate in a spectacular and high profile series of performances in an iconic Glasgow building. We are seeking schools from across Scotland to participate in all sorts of ways, some of which I will describe at the Glow meet.
Klaus Mayer (Development Officer, Games Legacy) will provide an update of the latest engagement opportunities available through Games on Scotland

Join us, quiz us, plan with us…. – we are looking forward to meeting with you and answering any questions you may have in developing your Games related learning

Scotland’s Schools get ready to be inspired by Glasgow 2014

On Monday 19th August, pupils at Grove Academy in Dundee were involved in a launch event with a difference. Not only were they joined Shona Robison MSP and local hero Liz McColgan to launch Character Scotland’s exciting new Inspire>Aspire: Global Citizens in the Making’ programme – they also launched their own inspirations and aspirations in the form of over 220 helium balloons which took to the skies above Broughty Ferry.

Character Scotland is an emerging and rapidly expanding charity that aims to support the development of children and young people’s character and values. The charity’s vision is for all children and young people to develop as responsible, caring, ethical and engaged global citizens: people who aim to HELP OTHERS, GET INVOLVED, DO THE RIGHT THING and DO THEIR BEST.

Liz McColgan, former Commonwealth and Olympic athlete, said “the project allows pupils to believe in themselves. It doesn’t matter what people think or say about you, if you really believe in something you want to achieve you have to be dedicated to putting the time and effort into doing it. This project allows children to search at what they are good at”.

To find out more or get involved with the progamme please go to the Global Citizens in the Making section within Game On Scotland.

Game On Scotland – Glow Meets

Join us for a series of 19 exciting montly Glow meets running throughout the academic year 2013/14.  The themed sessions are being broadcast live for all Glow users and will provide a wide variety of stimulating opportunities to engage with the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.   

Who are the Glow meets for?
The sessions will allow practitioners and learners find out more and get directly involved in educational opportunities related to the Commonwealth Games.  Glow access is required to join the sessions.  

What types of Glow meets are on offer?
There will be two types of session:  
1.       CPD :  These are for educators who want  the latest information about programmes and initiatives relevant to specific curriculum areas.
2.      Learning Zone:  These will provide interactive learning opportunities with a specific curriculum focus for learners across all age groups.  

The Programme:

Full detail for each Glow Meet (programme, age group, participants etc.) will be available closer to the event.

 How do I join?

To register for a specific session follow go to the Glow TV sign-up area  .  If you wish to join on the day simply enter the Game On Scotland Glow Meet Channel.

Missed a session?

Don’t worry.  All sessions will be recorded and you can watch them again here.

1 Year to Go Until the Opening Ceremony!

One Year to Go

Today (23 July) marks exactly one year until the Opening Ceremony of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

To celebrate this exciting milestone, a special 1 Year to Go film has been released which includes the ‘Big1’ tour and an exclusive athlete feature. There’s also a look back at the past year where amazing new venues made their mark on the Glasgow skyline and public support for the Games saw 50,811 friendly people apply to volunteer.

Glasgow 2014 is Scotland’s biggest ever sporting and cultural event, with athletes from across the Commonwealth preparing to make history in 17 Sports across 11 days of competition from 23 July – 3 August 2014. You can make sure the young people you work with are part of the Games by joining in with the exciting opportunities available on the Game On Scotland website, with materials for all stages and across all curricular areas.

On a personal level, you can show your support for the Games by joining the Glasgow 2014 ‘Sport countdown clock’, by adding the #1YTG twibbon to your Twitter account or by signing up for ticketing updates at .

Glasgow 2014 will be an event like no other. Get ready to be part of something extraordinary.