Monthly Archives: September 2017

The abanded creepy old house

One day Caleb decided to knock on jack.They asked there mum if they could go but she said no but we went any way . We said we were going to the park . when we got there we found a little gap so we climbed through.It looked horable . We found a pile of old books . One of the books were about a creepy man you lived in this house but we did not belevie that …then sudenly it went dark and we saw a shadow .BOOOOO!!!!! we ran as fast as we can and never came back.

The Kidnapper

Last week a boy called Barry was going into his flat with his mum and dad. And his mum and dad said they were going on a private  holiday. Barry was left alone in the flat. He had to make his dinner,brush his teeth then go to bed. After he finished brushing his teeth,he heard a knock on the door! He answered it. As soon as he opened the door he saw a man with a bag. Then suddenly it went dark. When he saw a glimpse of light he pushed out of the bag. Nobody heard from him again.

…As they ran…

One sunny summer day Amber, Katie and Megan were playing cach. They had lots of fun but they herd a strange noice ‘BLUB,BLOB BAF.’ They got very scared  ‘We need to RUN!’ Megan said. they rushed in side and locked the door…

They herd the noice agen but LOUDER ‘BLUB,BLOB BAF!’ It was in the house with them!

It was a bloby monster!

As they ran out side the bloby monster said ‘ME NEED FOOD!’ The girls stoped runing and Katie said ‘We should feed him he has not had eny food!’so they gave him sum food and they wher not afraid.