Monthly Archives: September 2017


Hi my name is Joe and one sunny afternoon me and my friend Bob went to the sandy beach.we built sandcastle and we played in the freezing water.It was two o clock so we had to go back for lunch.On the way home we saw two MASSIVE FOOTSTEPS!We both thought someone just dug a hole but then we realized that they where footsteps.We had to take a minute to realize what we just saw.We ran as fast as we could back to me house.We told my Mum what we saw and every thing that happened.We went back…

Godzilla strikes!

It was Saturday, my family decided to go for a walk.We were in a field walking along beside the flowers there were tulips white as snow, roses red as blood,buttercups yellow as butter  and lavender violet as the could be.There were bees buzzing around collecting poling.We walking back we saw something that definitely wasn’t there before. We all stood there in shook “Where could of it of come from?” There was two huge footprints.My dad put his shoe down beside on of the footprints and my dad has MASSIF feet. When we were thinking of calling the police we heard a screech so we ran, it was Godzilla.


Hi my name is Bob and one sunny afternoon me and my friend Joe went to the sandy beach. we built sandcastles and we played in the freezing water we left at 2 o clock and now it is 3 o clock so i said to Joe we better head home. he said ok but…on the way home we saw two massive… we both looked at each other i said it lookes like like FOOTSTEPS BUT BIG BUT Joe said it could be aliens  it could be big foot i said but then i saw big foot in the forest.

part 3 of super mario bros 2

In the last part of super mario bros 2 we were in a haunted mansion But now we had to find bowser .jr…               Me and Tfox were camping in the countryside.we were camping because we had a big day ahead.When we woke up we found another tent outside… we found the person who was in the tent and asked if he could help us.He said OF COURSE!So we set off… We found 2 gigantic footsteps that looked like bowsers we knew we were on the right track so we found Bowser. jr find out what happens in part 4

The VERY BIG Feet!

Last Sunday I went to play in the forest. I jumped over the bushes and climbed some trees. It was fun. Then I came across a long and flat piece of grass,it had two large footprints in the middle of it! I went to investigate. It kind of looked like there were patterns in the mud! To see how big it was I took of my shoe and measured the difference. There was a VERY big difference. I saw a person, went over to her and asked her where everyone was. She said she didn’t know. I was very scared.

There s Dinosaurs ALIVE!

One day I was on a hike when…I fell into a hole. It was two Dinosaur feet. Is there a Dinosaur alive …”Ahhh” I screamed There s a Dinosaur  behind us RUN! The Dinosaur is chasing us.All the mini bini Family was there too. We were all running when the dinosaur was just away to eat us but… We took a shortcut out but…The Dinosaur went down the shortcut. I  saw the way out. I phoned my mum to pick us up. She was waiting for us Ahhh screamed all the mini bini family. We got into the car…

…as it came rushing towards us we…

just last week at my house. Me jackpot tfox and cameron  were playing mario bros 2.Our controllers started shaking then the tv. Then we got sucked into the GAME! We started at world 1 at the castle there was roy the first koopaling I jamp onto roy’s head and then he went into his shell and started spinning around when he got up he started shooting balls of electrisity at us. Then tfox  jamp onto his head then he went into his shell again next we defeated him. next Iggy then ludwig me and tfox survived me an tfox were happy.


We ran away from the mansion past our hotel to the airport we had our passports in our pockets.We got on our flight to Barcelona  in Spain.When we got there we were at the beach.We saw a ferry coming from the UK.We felt something coming unusual We all shouted  at once IIIIITTTT. We all ran for dear life.We said he’s not there.Then someone behind us said REALLY!We all screamed saying runnnnn. We all didn’t run charched at IT and broke his leg he said it’s all over you have won we called the police and they took him.


One day me and my friend’s  called Jason,Hazel and Waffels where having a sleepover today. Me and my friend’s  where getting bored so we decided to the really,really,really huge field. When we where there hazel said what’s that. We all ran toward’s what Hazel seen and it was…A BIG FOOT PRINT  we all ran back home as fast as we could. When we got home we all ran to my room. Me and my  friend’s stared out my window because the field was right outside my house. Suddenly i seen a really,really,really,really big…GAINT. I screamed as loud as i could. I told my friend we’re going back to the field. As we went there we heard someone scream. We all looked around and Hazel was missing. We all went to search for her but we never found her.So we went back home.


A very long time ago  my friend’s Millie, Walffels, Staisie and Tiffaney went to the dog park  suddenly…I cought  a glips  of  a very BIG FOOT PRINT!!!!!! I soad my friend’s but then……………I saw a shdow we all didn’t dare look up but I just had to .When I looked up there was the most scariest thing I’ve ever seen it was a tree no it was moving? what was it and were did it come from???