P3a – Back With a Bang!

What a wonderful first week back P3a have had. It was so lovely to see all the children together again. This week the children have really enjoyed P.E where we played games and completed different fitness stations.

For HWB we discussed the importance of team work, then created freeze frames of different scenarios where team work and collaborating are very important.

The children worked together on a STEM project to build towers with Miss McNeill, I was very impressed with the finished products.

We also started reading ‘Flat Stanley’ as a class. Prior to reading the children used their learned reading strategies to make predictions about the text. They wrote their predictions on post-it notes then visualised their idea and drew beautiful pictures which will be used to create a new reading display in our classroom.

We rounded off the week with some ICT learning. The children were very engaged working in pairs learning to code with ‘Angry Birds’. They worked so well together and demonstrated their collaborating skills which we had talked about at the beginning of the week.

What a way to start the year, well done P3a!


Homework Policy

Following our consultation with pupils, parents/carers and teaching staff we have refreshed our homework policy moving in to term 3. This will ensure consistency across the school and will ensure we are meeting the needs of all of our pupils and families. Just under half of our families felt that home learning was important, with over a fifth of families sharing they felt it was not important. A very high number of families also share that they found home learning stressful, frustrating, a struggle and demanding. Almost all families felt that reading was important and this is why we have referenced the importance of reading for pleasure in our new policy. We have also introduced a termly extended family learning activity. A copy of our homework policy can be viewed by clicking on the link below –

Homework Policy -Wallacewell Primary (December 2023)


Christmas time

We have had a fun and busy last week before the end of term. At the start of the week we had our Christmas party with games and dancing.

We also designed and printed Christmas cards, listened to some more presentations, made 2D Shape Santas  pictures and erupted our volcanoes.



Last week with P3a

We had a great week of festive filled learning to bring term 2 to a close. As always I am incredibly proud of what the children have achieved throughout this term. This week we began with P3’s Christmas party the children had lots of fun and were especially thankful to our parent council for the lovely selection boxes.

During the rest of the week the children enjoyed lots of different learning including; Christmas French phrases; designing tree decorations; using glitter to create beautiful celebration cards; the children worked in groups for a maths ‘snowball fight’ where we consolidated all our addition and subtraction learning; we finally finished the week creating festive bakes! Well done everyone for another successful term.

Our new Eco Mascot

We would like to introduce Wally our new Wallacewell Eco Mascot who was designed by one of our fabulous P4s.

Our Eco committee ran a whole school competition to find a mascot and received some amazing entries making choosing one really difficult. They eventually narrowed it down to these 6 before all voting on their favourite.


It was a close result but Wally was our winner. I thought it was a great choice of name as not is it connected to the school but he shares his name with Wall-E the earth cleaning robot from the Disney Pixar movie.

A proud moment

I would like to take this opportunity to say how proud I am of everyone in the class for their efforts and hard work this term. In language we have written reports linked to Natural Disasters Then they used the facts as a basis for their personal presentations. Everyone took part and rose to the challenge.

This term the class tackled fractions and money, trying to manage a budget, not easy concepts.
Thank you for the Christmas gifts , I am very grateful.

After this welcome break I will be excited to start teaching your child again in the third term. They are a group of children who like to learn.

Have a wonderful two weeks.

Mrs. Jodah


JRSO update

This term we having been trying to get everyone thinking about wearing clothes that can seen when it is dark outside. Two children in P5a have updated our posters about wearing reflective clothes, Ollie and  Mannat.                                     .

We have been noticing that there are a  lot of cars parked around the school, especially at 3:00pm. This makes it difficult for children to walk home.
We asked Miss Davidson if the car park could be made bigger. She said that was up to the council.

Then we asked Miss Davidson what she thought of the traffic. Miss Davidson thought that the traffic was very bad. We will keep you informed of any new information. Next term we are going to write to the council about the parking problems around Wallacewell Primary School.

P5b Presentations

As we are now at the end of our topic the children have been sharing their knowledge with their classmates.  This term we have been learning how to write information reports, so we started by everyone writing a report on volcanoes. They then researched their own volcano to allow them to add in some extra facts. After discussing how to create a good presentation on the iPad they used their reports to help them do this.  Finally they have been presenting these to the class.  The children have been fantastic at giving their talks and have also been supportive audience members so I’m very proud of them all.



Last week we began making our paper mache volcanoes which we are going to paint and then make them erupt which everyone is very excited about.


We also had a go at being able to create an electrical circuit.  We will be looking at this in detail next term.