Category Archives: Primary 7a

Halloween Celebrations at Wallacewell Primary

We are looking forward to our Halloween discos on Thursday the 26th of October 2023.

P1-3      4.30 – 5.30pm

P4-7      6 – 7.30pm

Tickets are priced at £2 which includes crisps and a drink. All money raised will go towards School Funds for our Summer Trips.

Many pupils are now on the disco guest list. Any remaining families who wish for their children to attend should ensure they send payment into school in a sealed envelope with your child(ren)’s details and DISCO written on the front.  Children will not receive a ticket, but their name will be added to our guest list.

Children should enter the disco by the main door.  At the end of the disco, parents/carers should collect their child(ren) from Gate 1 (at the staff car park). To ensure everyone’s safety all children MUST be collected due to the dark nights and no school crossing patrols at those times.

We will be celebrating Halloween in school on Friday the of 27th October. There will be variety of spooky activities in class throughout the day. Children are welcome to come to school dressed up in their Halloween costumes, but there is no obligation to do so. Anyone opting not to dress up may come in non-uniform.  NB: Costumes and make-up will need to be done at home. Those who do dress up must note that no accessories of any kind are allowed in school on the 27th  during the school day, including masks, swords, knives, wands, guns, tridents etc. This helps prevent loss and injury.

Thank you for your continued support.


Miss Davidson

Head Teacher

Primary 1 Enrolment

Is your child due to start school in August 2024?

Any child who will attain the age of 5 years between 1 March 2024 and 28 February 2025 is eligible to start school in August 2024.

To register you should now complete and submit an “Online” application no later than 10 November 2023.

Click on link below for GCC Web page to access P1 on line application form:-

Our Eco Action Plan 2023-24

Our Eco Committee have been working hard to agree on their action plan for this session. All of our classes will be working together to reduce our carbon footprint. Primary 2- 7 have other specific targets –

P2 – Energy saving

Aim = to reduce unnecessary electricity usage

P3 – Litter picking

Aim = to improve the environmental quality of the school

P4 – Composting

Aim = to reduce our carbon footprint by reusing food waste

P5 – Recycling

Aim = to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill

All of our aims link to the Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to transform our world. They are a call to action to end poverty and inequality, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy health, justice and prosperity.

What are the sustainable goals of the UK?

In 2015, the UK Government joined every other country in the world and committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Goals provide a holistic framework to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities, combat catastrophic climate change, and protect our natural environment by 2030.


Physical Activity and Exercise (PE) Update for Families

Dear Families,

As per Glasgow City Council policy, no jewellery is allowed to be worn during PE lessons, such as gym sessions, dance workshops and swimming lessons. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • bracelets
  • necklaces
  • earrings
  • nose-piercings

All jewellery needs to be removed before taking part in taught physical activities. This rule applies to boys and girls. We recommend that families take children to get ears etc pierced during the Summer break to allow ample healing time, 6 weeks, so that earrings can then be removed for PE. Glasgow’s full Health and Safety document for physical activity can be viewed by scanning the QR code at the bottom of this page.

It is important that pupils come prepared to learn and for PE this requires appropriate clothing. Pupils who are unable to participate in practical PE should still bring their kit to allow them to assist in the lesson by refereeing, keeping scores or assisting with the distribution of equipment. Our PE kit consists of plimsolls/trainers (indoor shoes), a plain t-shirt and plain black shorts. Please also remember that no football colours/strips (regardless of team or country) should be worn, nor should football shoes with studs.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Miss L Davidson



From Wednesday the 4th of October 2023 pupils attending Breakfast Club should enter the school playground via Gate 1 and enter the building via the Lunch Hall doors in the main playground. For health and safety reasons pupils will no longer be admitted to Breakfast Club via the Main Entrance (Reception).

Please be advised that Breakfast Club starts at 8am. For health and safety reasons, namely that there is no adult supervision, pupils should not be dropped off at school before this time. Breakfast Club finishes at 8.45am. As normal, after Breakfast Club P1-4 pupils will be escorted to class for soft start. P5-7 pupils will be supervised in the playground by school staff.

Our playground is staffed from 8.45am. Pupils, not attending Breakfast Club, should not be dropped at school before this time for Health and Safety reasons. In the event of a wet morning P5-7 pupils will be brought into the Lunch Hall at 8.45am.

Thank you for your continued support.


Miss L Davidson


Communication Update for Families

Dear Families,

We are sorry that you had  to make alternative arrangements for your children as a result of the recent Support Staff strikes. Thank you for your support and patience during this time. We are excited to welcome pupils back to school tomorrow. 

We have been made aware of one or two queries regarding the recent strike action. All information
from the council was communicated to all families via email. This included a letter from Douglas Hutchison, the Executive Director of Education, highlighting that all Primary Schools would be closed in Glasgow as a result of strike action on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The school also reposted any council updates on our Twitter page. Primary Schools in Glasgow were not directed by Glasgow City Council to provide any form of home learning during the strike days.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind all families that Groupcall is our main method of communication at Wallacewell Primary. This will mean emails from the school and, for those who have the Groupcall app, an in app notification. On occasion we will also send text messages from Groupcall.  As we do not wish for families to miss any important information we would like to encourage families to check their emails regularly.

If you are having any difficulties with Groupcall or emails please let us know. Similarly if any of your contact information has changed please contact the school office to allow to update our records.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Davidson

Head Teacher

Parent Council Action Plan (2023-24)

Our Action Plan for session 2023-24  has been agreed based on discussions about the needs of the school and concerns raised by families in recent years.

It has been agreed that fundraising in 2023-24  will be used to support the school to provide –

  • Selection boxes for all pupils at Christmas
  • An Easter treat for every pupil
  • Leavers hoodies for all Primary 7 pupils

The agreed Parent Council ‘Grand Challenge’ for session 2023-24 are –

  • Support the school and gain updates on the school pitch. The PC will raise concerns, already raised by the current HT, in relation to the health and safety of the pitch and the impact that this has on both school and community activities.
  • Support the school is raising concerns about school provision in the local area. This is something the HT is very aware of and has already addressed it with GCC.

Parent Council Constitution 2023-24

Please click on the link below to view our Parent Council Constitution for 2023-24 agreed at the most recent Parent Council meeting on Monday 18th of September 2023.

Parent Council Constitution 2023-24

Parent Council Meeting Agenda & Minutes – EGM Monday 4th September 2023

Click on the links below to view our meeting agenda and minutes which were agreed at our most recent meeting.

PC EGM Agenda – 04.09.23

PC EGM Agenda – Minutes 04.09.23