Category Archives: Newsletters

Class Newsletters Term 4

Please find below our Class Newsletters for Term 4.

P1a Class Newsletter Term 4

P1b Class Newsletter Term 4

P2.1 Class Newsletter Term 4

P2a Class Newsletter Term 4

P3.2 Class Newsletter Term 4

P3a Class Newsletter Term 4

P3b Class Newsletter Term 4

Primary 4a Class Newsletter Term 4

P4b Class Newsletter Term 4

P5A Class Newsletter Term 4

P5b Class Newsletter Term 4

P6a Class Newsletter Term 4

P6b Class Newsletter Term 4

Primary 7a Curriculum Newsletter Term 4

P7b Class Newsletter



Easter Message from Miss Davidson (HT) – March 2024

We have almost made it to the Spring Break! We have had a very busy time in term 3 and are looking forward to our final term of the session when we return after a well deserved holiday.

Click on the link below to view our Head Teachers Easter message for families.

Easter Message – March 2024

Keeping You Posted – Class Newsletters (Term 3)

Click on the links below to view our Class Newsletters for Term 3. These have also been emailed out to families.

P1a Class Newsletter Term 3

P1b Class Newsletter Term 3

P2.1 Class Newsletter Term 3

P2a Class Newsletter Term 3

P3.2 Class Newsletter Term 3

P3a Class Newsletter Term 3

P3b Class Newsletter Term 3

P4a Class Newsletter Term 3

P4b Class Newsletter Term 3

P5a Class Newsletter Term 3

P5b Class Newsletter Term 3

P6a Class Newsletter Term 3

P6b Class Newsletter Term 3

P7a Class Newsletter Term 3

P7b Class Newsletter Term 3



Everyone Is Welcome – Our Equality Policy

We are delighted to share with families our refreshed and updated Equality Policy – Everyone is Welcome.

Everyone is Welcome – Equality Policy Wallacewell Primary

At Wallacewell are committed to empowering our young people to succeed. We will work with all our stakeholders to create a happy, healthy, caring and inclusive school where everyone feels valued and respected and supported to supported to overcome barriers and achieve their full potential. We acknowledge that our pupils have rights outlined within the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

At Wallacewell Primary we recognise our obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and are committed to promoting the equality and diversity of all those we work with.

Wallacewell Primary School is committed to promoting a positive and diverse culture in which all staff, young people and our wider school community are valued and supported irrespective of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity.

Everyone is WELCOME at Wallacewell Primary.