Birthday parties, reading stories, play dough and dress up….

Kareem and Khadija enjoying a story.

Kareem and Ivo expressing themselves through art.

Ivo exploring books independently.

“It’s a tower, a colour tower” Ivo.

Class 1 working together to make smartie biscuits.

Ivo making meaningful marks.

Ivo and Kareem cycling around the grounds of adventure.

“New hat” Khadija.

“Share with my mum” Ivo, proud of his maths work.

Class 1 having fun with bubble wrap exploring cause and effect relationships.

“Toot toot” Kareem.

Ivo and Khadija making meaningful marks on the iPad and drawing board.

Kareem enjoying our sensory play.

Ivo and Kareem collaborating well together in class.

“It’s a picture of Mum and Baby Safeeya and Dad and Haadiya at home playing” Khadija using lots of language to explain her drawing.

Making cheese and tomato twists to share with our friends.

Earning stars with our hard work.

“Stairs for the house” Ivo using lego to explore design and technology.

Musa working independently to form letters.

Ivo reading independently.

Musa and Kareem exploring the change of form due to a chemical reaction during cooking.

“Flying helicopters” Kareem.

Class 1’s cheese and tomato twists.

“Blocks at home” Kareem.

Class 1 really enjoyed celebrating Kareem’s birthday!

Kareem looking at himself during dress up play.

“Splash splash” Kareem.

“It’s rainbow colours” Ivo.

Natural resources, loose parts and patterns….


Khadija and Kareem painting with leaves, “Autumn, leaves, red” Kareem.

Working together and with our families on a bug hunt outdoors.

Exploring shape and patterns, “It’s a train, a blue train” Ivo.

Ivo feeding Primary 1’s fish, “wasabi” Ivo.

Musa enjoying a hand picked apple from an apple tree.

Counting “9, 8, 7, 6, 5…” Khadija learning to play with number patterns.

“Cup of tea” Kareem cooking in our cafe.

“Red, brown, brown, red, brown, brown” Khadija using natural resources to create patterns.

“It’s a big tower, very big” Ivo.

Khadijah making meaningful marks.

Ivo & Kareem sharing the task of cooking breakfast for our class.

Musa playing with dinosaurs to ten.

“It’s a big big hill push” Kareem exploring concepts of science through play.

Khadija celebrating ordering numbers to 10.

Ivo practising his pencil control with Mari, “for my Mum” said Ivo.

Ivo exploring pattern and natural light using loose parts.

“Kareem you knock it bang” Ivo inviting his friend to knock down his bowling pins and awarding points by counting the fallen pins.

Outdoor Learning Week, Yoga and Science….

“Miss Brook’s insects” Khadija reflecting on her learning during Science and Ivo studying information sheets

“I give you the money, it’s big money” Ivo exploring money concepts through play.

“Sunshine” Khadija.


“It’s rain woooohooo” Kareem.

Class 1 enjoying the Eid party with our friends.


Ivo working with Miss Fortieth to create his own grid for communicating with adults.

Meaningful mark making indoors and out.

Kareem making cakes and exploring the concept of number through baking.

“P p p p p” Ivo & Kareem working hard on their formation of the letter P.

Khadija exploring jelly in our sensory bin and developing her language…. “it’s cold, freezing, frozen”.


Working with P6 to maintain the school vegetable patch.

Kareem making our water wheel turn with “red water”.

Khadija teaching Mr Moor to ‘Om’.

Taking risks outdoors and developing our gross motor skills at adventure.

Khadija enjoying her new favourite book ‘Yoga Babies’ by Fearne Cotton.

Homegrown potatoes, exploring adventure, cooking independently, numbers to 20 and our sound revision….

Khadija and Kareem exploring outdoors.

“My BBC” Ivo

Kareem exploring the sensory elements of citrus fruit.

“Mmmmm yummy mix” Kareem.

“Ladybirds, inside the plants” Ivo.

Kareem and Khadija cleaning the potatoes we grew in the garden and looking up recipes for inspiration, a lovely link between science and literacy.

“Baked potato, yummy” Khadija.

“Dancing scarf” Kareem.

“BBC and colours, it’s television” Ivo.

“Number 4” Khadija.

Khadijah using left over potatoes we’d grown to make potato salad with the support of our friend Sophie.

“Blue hands so blue” Kareem.

“Look for the snake, the worm” Khadija.


“Baking six cookies, we all took them home” Haadiya.

Kareem counting to 20 with Miss Fortieth.

“Ladybugs spots, counting” Ivo.

“K” Khadija.

Khadija and Kareem playing alongside each other exploring mark making.

“Climb high” Kareem.

Khadija and Mussa exploring the sand pit.

Mussa enjoying the swing at adventure.

Kareem using the hand tiles to make music.

“Colour balls looks, every colour” Ivo.

“Horsey horsey” Kareem.

“Drawing Mummy” Khadija.

“Red hands” Kareem.

“Fishes, in ice, fishes” Kareem.

Children working independently to make their own pizza snack.

“In half, in quarters, sharing” Ivo.

“S, A, T, P, I, N” Khadija.

“Magic brush, it disappears” Ivo.

“A, a, a, a, a, a” Kareem.


Finding our feet in the first fortnight….

“Cars, playing cars” Ivo.


“Five frogs” Khadija.

“Puzzle Mari” Khadija.

Khadija counting croissants.

“Kareem Awad” Kareem.

“Red hands, red hands” Kareem.

“Teddy bear bed time” Khadija.


“It’s a truck, builder” Ivo.

“Blue, blue, change” Khadija.  Khadija & Kareem enjoyed exploring our new sensory mats.

Kareem using tools to help build our new construction toys.

“Brooooommmm” Kareem pretending to be in a car.

Ivo exploring different beats with his drum.

“Hadiya this way” Khadija showing her sister how to do our number puzzles.

“Whoosh whale” Ivo.

Mussa enjoying exploring the Gorbals swimming pool for the first time.

Ivo’s independent writing, ‘BBC’.

“Boo, Kareem is hiding” Khadija.

Mussa exploring our class shop.

“It’s a horse” Kareem.  Khadija and Kareem enjoying reading texts to each other in our class library.

“Kareem, Miss Kelly” Kareem.  Kareem receiving his certificate for star of the week.