Monthly Archives: March 2018

Shadows, playdough, tea parties and tacos….

Shadow manipulation with our new projector.

Kit enjoyed making play dough trains.

Khadijah enjoyed making hands to high five.

Musa exploring the sensory elements of kinetic sand.

Khadija and Ivo drawing and colouring in.

Kayden using our new magnet board to make pictures.

Ivo playing the time on the Starfall website.

Kayden building lego houses.

Khadija was very proud of her “K for Khadija”.

Ivo and Kayden working collaboratively at the drawing table.

Ivo enjoying our visit from the beekeeper and asking lots of questions.

Kareem and Kayden enjoying the  swings at adventure.

Miss Fortieth leading the way at the shops, picking up ingredients for our cooking experiences.

Kayden helping Khadia with her tricky maths work.

Ivo and Kareem working together to finish the washing up.

Khadija and Ivo trying on the beekeeping suit.

When he visited we asked the beekeeper lots of questions, saw some real honeycomb, studied a dead bee and tasted honey.

Kayden and Khadija worked very hard to prepare all the food stuffs for our taco party, they invited teachers along to join us.

Kit taking care of the plants in class 1.

Kareem mark making on the drawing board.

Kit playing in our class shop.

Teachers, Kayden and Khadija enjoying tasting the tacos.

Kit and Kayden working well together drawing on the mirror board.

Ivo enjoying reading the same story in different books, experimenting with text.

Kayden and Khadija waiting in the queue at the shops.

Kareem copying the writing on the board with the smart board pen.

Khadija watching and reading the snail on the whale.

Kit’s complex track design.

All of us enjoying a Michael Rosen story in the morning.

Kayoed brought in Miss Bunny to join us for breakfast.

Working together to make red velvet cupcakes.

Primary one children sharing their learning in science with Kayden.

Ivo celebrating his 8th birthday in class.

Kit is very proud of his complex train track.

Khadija and Kayden having a tea party with all the animals.

Kayden and Khadija making cards for loved ones.

Ivo and Khadija exploring shadow and light using the projector.

Snow Day Update….

Hello everyone, Hope you’re enjoying your snow day!

Look forward to hearing all about what you’ve been up to as soon as we get back to school. In the meantime try and keep up with all the challenges being posted on St Alberts Twitter page! If possible please send in any photographs of snow man building, sledging, book reading etc. so we can use to compliment the children’s news writing. Thank you!

Look forward to seeing you all at Parents evening on Wednesday 7th, in the meantime as usual here’s a photo update from class 1.

Khadija made a character for her reading game look just like her, including the blue glasses!

Mariam & Gopal brought us pancakes with chocolate spread and strawberry’s for our breakfast.

Kayden and Ivo mark making with our new threading boards.

Kareem making and copying patterns.

Our new archaeology station.

Kit creatively using our new Nexus boards to spell out his name.

Some excellent independent writing work from Kayden.

Kareem playing with our colour sorters.

Musa discovering hidden bones.

Khadija baking pasta and pizza for her friends.

Khadijah being creative with the resources at Adventure Linn Park. Using a hockey stick to dribble a basket ball.

Having fun challenging ourselves and exploring the outdoors.

Must colour mixing on the light board.

Ivo building an extremely high tower.

Khadija enjoying our new kitchen.

Kayden and Khadija using their favourite page from one of our story books this week to inspire their own drawings.

Miss Forteath helping Khadija identify her dominoes numbers.

Kayden and Kit receiving their certificates at assembly.

Khadijah reading one of her favourite stories to her friends and teacher in the story corner.

Ivo and Kayden collaborating to build lego.