Monthly Archives: August 2017

Finding our feet in the first fortnight….

“Cars, playing cars” Ivo.


“Five frogs” Khadija.

“Puzzle Mari” Khadija.

Khadija counting croissants.

“Kareem Awad” Kareem.

“Red hands, red hands” Kareem.

“Teddy bear bed time” Khadija.


“It’s a truck, builder” Ivo.

“Blue, blue, change” Khadija.  Khadija & Kareem enjoyed exploring our new sensory mats.

Kareem using tools to help build our new construction toys.

“Brooooommmm” Kareem pretending to be in a car.

Ivo exploring different beats with his drum.

“Hadiya this way” Khadija showing her sister how to do our number puzzles.

“Whoosh whale” Ivo.

Mussa enjoying exploring the Gorbals swimming pool for the first time.

Ivo’s independent writing, ‘BBC’.

“Boo, Kareem is hiding” Khadija.

Mussa exploring our class shop.

“It’s a horse” Kareem.  Khadija and Kareem enjoying reading texts to each other in our class library.

“Kareem, Miss Kelly” Kareem.  Kareem receiving his certificate for star of the week.