Homegrown potatoes, exploring adventure, cooking independently, numbers to 20 and our sound revision….

Khadija and Kareem exploring outdoors.

“My BBC” Ivo

Kareem exploring the sensory elements of citrus fruit.

“Mmmmm yummy mix” Kareem.

“Ladybirds, inside the plants” Ivo.

Kareem and Khadija cleaning the potatoes we grew in the garden and looking up recipes for inspiration, a lovely link between science and literacy.

“Baked potato, yummy” Khadija.

“Dancing scarf” Kareem.

“BBC and colours, it’s television” Ivo.

“Number 4” Khadija.

Khadijah using left over potatoes we’d grown to make potato salad with the support of our friend Sophie.

“Blue hands so blue” Kareem.

“Look for the snake, the worm” Khadija.


“Baking six cookies, we all took them home” Haadiya.

Kareem counting to 20 with Miss Fortieth.

“Ladybugs spots, counting” Ivo.

“K” Khadija.

Khadija and Kareem playing alongside each other exploring mark making.

“Climb high” Kareem.

Khadija and Mussa exploring the sand pit.

Mussa enjoying the swing at adventure.

Kareem using the hand tiles to make music.

“Colour balls looks, every colour” Ivo.

“Horsey horsey” Kareem.

“Drawing Mummy” Khadija.

“Red hands” Kareem.

“Fishes, in ice, fishes” Kareem.

Children working independently to make their own pizza snack.

“In half, in quarters, sharing” Ivo.

“S, A, T, P, I, N” Khadija.

“Magic brush, it disappears” Ivo.

“A, a, a, a, a, a” Kareem.


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