Natural resources, loose parts and patterns….


Khadija and Kareem painting with leaves, “Autumn, leaves, red” Kareem.

Working together and with our families on a bug hunt outdoors.

Exploring shape and patterns, “It’s a train, a blue train” Ivo.

Ivo feeding Primary 1’s fish, “wasabi” Ivo.

Musa enjoying a hand picked apple from an apple tree.

Counting “9, 8, 7, 6, 5…” Khadija learning to play with number patterns.

“Cup of tea” Kareem cooking in our cafe.

“Red, brown, brown, red, brown, brown” Khadija using natural resources to create patterns.

“It’s a big tower, very big” Ivo.

Khadijah making meaningful marks.

Ivo & Kareem sharing the task of cooking breakfast for our class.

Musa playing with dinosaurs to ten.

“It’s a big big hill push” Kareem exploring concepts of science through play.

Khadija celebrating ordering numbers to 10.

Ivo practising his pencil control with Mari, “for my Mum” said Ivo.

Ivo exploring pattern and natural light using loose parts.

“Kareem you knock it bang” Ivo inviting his friend to knock down his bowling pins and awarding points by counting the fallen pins.

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