Category Archives: Problem Solving

Odd socks, coloured cookies, sand monsters and friendship pictures…..

Musa and Kayden making multi coloured cookies with Mr Orr.

Working together to cook Kit’s family recipe of tuna rice.

After school yoga club in full swing.

Khadija using her fingers to communicate the date from our dairy board.

Kayden and Kit working together to build a lego city.

Khadija displaying how proud she is of her achievement at assembly.

Must playing the coin monkey game.

Kayoed working carefully to add paint to his canvas art work.

Khadija and Kareem painting at the table.

Musa and Kareem enjoying the sensory experience of the sand.

Khadija enjoying the sensory experience of our orbies.

Kayden and Subhan working together to plant potatoes for us to grow in class.

Kayden and Subhan collaborating again to follow a recipe for cooking healthy chow mein.

Khadija and Kayden enjoying our trip to a local cafe. We read menus, ordered our cake independently and paid by ourselves even collecting change.

Class 1 raising awareness and money for Down Syndrome awareness day by wearing odd socks.

Kayden displaying his artwork with a spotlight.

Ivo using his new story board to read about his visit to a fast food restaurant.

Kit building a shape tower.

Khadijah showing everyone her “mask”.

Must very proud of his achievements in our matching activity.

Khadijah using her new Moana story board.

Class 1 hard at work.

Kareem’s drawing of him holding hands with a friend.

Kit’s sand creature.

Shadows, playdough, tea parties and tacos….

Shadow manipulation with our new projector.

Kit enjoyed making play dough trains.

Khadijah enjoyed making hands to high five.

Musa exploring the sensory elements of kinetic sand.

Khadija and Ivo drawing and colouring in.

Kayden using our new magnet board to make pictures.

Ivo playing the time on the Starfall website.

Kayden building lego houses.

Khadija was very proud of her “K for Khadija”.

Ivo and Kayden working collaboratively at the drawing table.

Ivo enjoying our visit from the beekeeper and asking lots of questions.

Kareem and Kayden enjoying the  swings at adventure.

Miss Fortieth leading the way at the shops, picking up ingredients for our cooking experiences.

Kayden helping Khadia with her tricky maths work.

Ivo and Kareem working together to finish the washing up.

Khadija and Ivo trying on the beekeeping suit.

When he visited we asked the beekeeper lots of questions, saw some real honeycomb, studied a dead bee and tasted honey.

Kayden and Khadija worked very hard to prepare all the food stuffs for our taco party, they invited teachers along to join us.

Kit taking care of the plants in class 1.

Kareem mark making on the drawing board.

Kit playing in our class shop.

Teachers, Kayden and Khadija enjoying tasting the tacos.

Kit and Kayden working well together drawing on the mirror board.

Ivo enjoying reading the same story in different books, experimenting with text.

Kayden and Khadija waiting in the queue at the shops.

Kareem copying the writing on the board with the smart board pen.

Khadija watching and reading the snail on the whale.

Kit’s complex track design.

All of us enjoying a Michael Rosen story in the morning.

Kayoed brought in Miss Bunny to join us for breakfast.

Working together to make red velvet cupcakes.

Primary one children sharing their learning in science with Kayden.

Ivo celebrating his 8th birthday in class.

Kit is very proud of his complex train track.

Khadija and Kayden having a tea party with all the animals.

Kayden and Khadija making cards for loved ones.

Ivo and Khadija exploring shadow and light using the projector.

Animations, birthday celebrations and Valentine’s crafts…..


Please click on the link above to see Kayden’s construction animation.

Khadija celebrating her 7th birthday with the class.

Khadijah using our new gross motor skill boards.

Kayden playing with the airport.

Khadija and Kareem playing with our new water space exploring a variety of science concepts.

Khadija getting her certificate at assembly.

Mrs Harker enjoying yoga with class 1.

Khadija and Gopal listening intently to the visiting storyteller.

Everyone hard at work.

Miss Forteith helping Musa roll out his dough.

Making chocolate twists.

Kayden using a calendar to plan out his month of February.

Khadija matching fruits with Mari.

Kit and Ivo baking cakes together.

Ivo and Kareem using problem solving skills to  undo all of the locks.

Kayden listening for the sea.

Valentines painting.

Kareem, Khadija and Kayden hiding under Miss Hunter’s desk.

Ivo relaxing whilst mark making.

We really enjoyed having our P7 storytellers visit our class.

Valentine’s flower bouquets.

Playing in dinosaur world.

Kayden showing us how he feels with the help of a  melon skin.

Haggis tasting, news reading, film making fun….

Ivo and Miss Hunter tasting veggie haggis on Robert Burn’s Day, Ivo said it was “yummy”.

Musa reflecting on his weekend playing in the snow.

Musa completing his number work followed by number correspondence work.

Ivo enjoying playing with our new ukulele.

Khadija enjoying our construction space.

We enjoyed reading the bear hunt so much we followed it up by watching Michael Rosen’s version on the smart board.

“I use the snake to tell me the colours to use” Kayden.

Khadija and Subhan playing snap.

Khadija enjoying a puppet show she’d made on the iPad.

Ivo strengthening his fine motor skills using the ‘bubber’.

Ivo colouring in his work.

Ivo and Khadija enjoying playing with their prize balloons.

Kareem doing his maths work.

Kareem and Kayden working collaboratively to build train tracks.

Kayden making a honey and lemon drink as he had a sore throat.

Khadija’s model for our new digital literacy project.

Ivo using his fine motor skills and inspiration from the smart board to inform his character design.

Kareem reflecting on his family holiday to Sudan using photographs during news writing time.

Khadijah using cotton balls and tweezers to develop her fine motor skills.

Ivo receiving star of the week certificate at assembly.

Kareem colouring in very carefully.

Musa using his purple folder to reflect on his learning.

Kayoed reading the construction book stories we have in our play space.

Kayden and Musa wearing their medals with pride, they won these for gaining ten stars on their charts.

Kayden’s titanic.

Ivo, Kareem and Musa playing outside at adventure in the rain.

Subhan was very proud of the minions cakes he baked and took back to Class 2.

Kayden making cheese toasties for his friends.

Ivo celebrating his wonderful piece of art work.

Kareem and Kayden swinging in the rain.

Kayden jumping from a height.

Kareem having fun splashing in puddles.

New year…. same us….

Musa & Khadija experimenting with our new ukulele.

Must working hard to develop his knowledge of number correspondence.

Ivo using his reading book ‘the pancake’ to make pancakes for his friends.

We enjoyed some hot chocolate with our snack to warm up after playing in the cold.

All wrapped up in our waterproofs for playing outside in the snow.

Hayden’s representation of a rainbow.

Kayden presenting our turner prize art piece ‘Faster Food’ to the classes around the school.

Musa developing his fine motor skills by making marks with paint.

Khadija using play dough to develop strength in her muscles.

Ivo and Kayden working together to make “healthy chow mien just like the chinese”. The boys used the BBC Good Food website to source their recipe.

Musa smelling one of our ingredients for the chow mein, garlic.

Khadijah warming up for her day of learning with her favourite book ‘Yoga Babies’.

Our water play set up inspired by one of our favourite books.

Ivo and Kayden pretending to be “the biggest men, like grown ups” with their moustache tattoos.

Kayden and Khadija enjoying some home made soup before their lunch. A few of us in class had bad colds and Kayden suggested we make noodle soup to make us feel better.

Ivo putting himself in the baby bath.

Class 2 visited us to play in our shop.

Khadija using yoga cards to make a ‘tree’.

Khadija tucking her doll into bed for a nap.

Ivo building a tower of shapes and colours.

Kayden cradling our baby to sleep.

Ivo placing the babies dummy in it’s mouth to “stop crying no crying”.

Kayden’s drawing of himself and his brother Kenzie.

Khadija revising her number correspondence to 5.

Christmas preparation, mirror table fun and lots of learning in between….


Ivo and Musa using a variety of resources to mix and transfer liquid.

Khadija exploring our new mirror table.

Khadijah warming up for the day using our favourite book Yoga Babies saying “look look all by myself”.

“Mix mix mix” Kareem.

Kareem and Khadija drawing on the mirror table together.

“I’m a catterpillar” Ivo.

Ivo sharing his knowledge of his favourite character Bunnykins.

Khadijah using our sound game to spell words independently.

Class 1 working hard together.

Khadija using the iPad to draw glow in the dark pictures with her finger.

“C C C for crown” Khadija.

Musa developing his fine motor skills using the iPad.

“Hello, bye bye” Musa.

Khadija playing a shape game on the iPad.

Ivo playing with our visitor Leanne (Kareem’s sister).

Khadijah reading one of her reading books to the class.

Class 1 collaborating, mark making and expressing themselves on our new mirror table.

We have started to prepare for christmas…. watch this space.

Ivo extending his water play using sieves, tea pots and strainers.

Khadija and Musa swinging together and looking at the sky “so blue” described Khadija.

Musa has really enjoyed playing with the kinetic sand this week.

“Eggs, Elephant, Ear” Ivo.

Kareem using our game to spell out common words independently.

Kareem and Ivo collaborating together on a piece of lego construction.

Class 1 enjoying seeing their pictures on screen and reflecting on their learning using the blog.

Kayden using cookie cutters to make a variety of shapes including a bird.

Musa and Khadija matched the photographs of animals with their x-ray, this activity develops matching skills and encourages development of new language.

“Sand castle” Ivo.

Kareem as “Mr Policeman”.

Khadijah taking her baby for a bike ride “hold on tight don’t move” advised Khadija.

Birthday parties, reading stories, play dough and dress up….

Kareem and Khadija enjoying a story.

Kareem and Ivo expressing themselves through art.

Ivo exploring books independently.

“It’s a tower, a colour tower” Ivo.

Class 1 working together to make smartie biscuits.

Ivo making meaningful marks.

Ivo and Kareem cycling around the grounds of adventure.

“New hat” Khadija.

“Share with my mum” Ivo, proud of his maths work.

Class 1 having fun with bubble wrap exploring cause and effect relationships.

“Toot toot” Kareem.

Ivo and Khadija making meaningful marks on the iPad and drawing board.

Kareem enjoying our sensory play.

Ivo and Kareem collaborating well together in class.

“It’s a picture of Mum and Baby Safeeya and Dad and Haadiya at home playing” Khadija using lots of language to explain her drawing.

Making cheese and tomato twists to share with our friends.

Earning stars with our hard work.

“Stairs for the house” Ivo using lego to explore design and technology.

Musa working independently to form letters.

Ivo reading independently.

Musa and Kareem exploring the change of form due to a chemical reaction during cooking.

“Flying helicopters” Kareem.

Class 1’s cheese and tomato twists.

“Blocks at home” Kareem.

Class 1 really enjoyed celebrating Kareem’s birthday!

Kareem looking at himself during dress up play.

“Splash splash” Kareem.

“It’s rainbow colours” Ivo.

Homegrown potatoes, exploring adventure, cooking independently, numbers to 20 and our sound revision….

Khadija and Kareem exploring outdoors.

“My BBC” Ivo

Kareem exploring the sensory elements of citrus fruit.

“Mmmmm yummy mix” Kareem.

“Ladybirds, inside the plants” Ivo.

Kareem and Khadija cleaning the potatoes we grew in the garden and looking up recipes for inspiration, a lovely link between science and literacy.

“Baked potato, yummy” Khadija.

“Dancing scarf” Kareem.

“BBC and colours, it’s television” Ivo.

“Number 4” Khadija.

Khadijah using left over potatoes we’d grown to make potato salad with the support of our friend Sophie.

“Blue hands so blue” Kareem.

“Look for the snake, the worm” Khadija.


“Baking six cookies, we all took them home” Haadiya.

Kareem counting to 20 with Miss Fortieth.

“Ladybugs spots, counting” Ivo.

“K” Khadija.

Khadija and Kareem playing alongside each other exploring mark making.

“Climb high” Kareem.

Khadija and Mussa exploring the sand pit.

Mussa enjoying the swing at adventure.

Kareem using the hand tiles to make music.

“Colour balls looks, every colour” Ivo.

“Horsey horsey” Kareem.

“Drawing Mummy” Khadija.

“Red hands” Kareem.

“Fishes, in ice, fishes” Kareem.

Children working independently to make their own pizza snack.

“In half, in quarters, sharing” Ivo.

“S, A, T, P, I, N” Khadija.

“Magic brush, it disappears” Ivo.

“A, a, a, a, a, a” Kareem.


Finding our feet in the first fortnight….

“Cars, playing cars” Ivo.


“Five frogs” Khadija.

“Puzzle Mari” Khadija.

Khadija counting croissants.

“Kareem Awad” Kareem.

“Red hands, red hands” Kareem.

“Teddy bear bed time” Khadija.


“It’s a truck, builder” Ivo.

“Blue, blue, change” Khadija.  Khadija & Kareem enjoyed exploring our new sensory mats.

Kareem using tools to help build our new construction toys.

“Brooooommmm” Kareem pretending to be in a car.

Ivo exploring different beats with his drum.

“Hadiya this way” Khadija showing her sister how to do our number puzzles.

“Whoosh whale” Ivo.

Mussa enjoying exploring the Gorbals swimming pool for the first time.

Ivo’s independent writing, ‘BBC’.

“Boo, Kareem is hiding” Khadija.

Mussa exploring our class shop.

“It’s a horse” Kareem.  Khadija and Kareem enjoying reading texts to each other in our class library.

“Kareem, Miss Kelly” Kareem.  Kareem receiving his certificate for star of the week.